By chachichou - 08/12/2016 03:05 - France - Strasbourg

Today, at 4 a.m., I woke up so I could check out the blood moon. It looked magnificent, so I took a few photos and went back to bed. When I later got up, I noticed the orange street light outside. I’d been admiring a street lamp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 877
You deserved it 412

Top comments

Wizardo 33

When the moon hits your eye like a street lamp at night that's amoré.

Dude, if you think a street lamp is magnificent, I saw this sweet controlled-access highway exit sign you should check out! Oh, and there's this 50% iron-composite manhole cover that is off the ******* hook!


Wizardo 33

When the moon hits your eye like a street lamp at night that's amoré.

Dude, if you think a street lamp is magnificent, I saw this sweet controlled-access highway exit sign you should check out! Oh, and there's this 50% iron-composite manhole cover that is off the ******* hook!

Those Supermoons look like they're so close you could touch them! With a utility cherry-picker truck, you could!

This FML made me laugh out loud. Thank you for making my day

Hey, I've seen some awfully pretty pictures of street lamps before! How'd the pictures turn out? Maybe it wasn't a waste.

Was there heavy fog or something that night? Or how far away was this street lamp? I feel like it should've appeared much too low in the sky to be mistaken as the moon for too long...

hahaha idk why it was so funny when I imagined the pictures

WD_Stevens 22

Is your name Aisling Bea, by any chance?

Yeah but it was a magnificent street lamp !