By vargasm - 18/01/2009 12:12 - United States

Today, the girl I've had a crush on decided she wanted to see a movie with me. I tried to hold her hand during the movie and it was great for about 4 minutes. Then she said "Can I have my hand back?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 107
You deserved it 3 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait! She could've wanted to fix her hair, adjust her bra, eat some popcorn, etc.. I mean, at least she didn't just immediately pull away from you. Don't get discouraged just yet.

um. well maybe she didn't want to be too harsh so she figured saying it like that would lighten up the mood. and i agree, holding hands can be weird/uncomfortable...especially on a first date.


um. well maybe she didn't want to be too harsh so she figured saying it like that would lighten up the mood. and i agree, holding hands can be weird/uncomfortable...especially on a first date.

Wait! She could've wanted to fix her hair, adjust her bra, eat some popcorn, etc.. I mean, at least she didn't just immediately pull away from you. Don't get discouraged just yet.

jfox is right, it doesnt mean she doesnt like holding your hand. she kinda needs her hand and would like to eat popcorn, take a drink, etc. it doesn't mean anything bad.

Don't give OP false hope. The girl was polite about it. Don't keep making moves on her when it's clear she doesn't want you to make a move.

At least you had the courage to do it.... I havent done anything to this girl I like... We've been hanging out for 6 months...

jiimbo344 0

Try something man I know it's easier said then done I'm kinda in the same boat

#27 I agree. I was in that boat too with a girl I really liked, and when I went for it she said no. But u have to take risks like that cause they're a part of life and now that girl and I are still great (if not better) friends, so it's always worth it to try.

BayArea 1

rofl.. i dont hold hands either.. kinda coolio though lol

Lol, can I have my hand back? That's so weird that she said that.

.. um, she could have just have asked you to go as a friend you know ¬¬; and #7, weird as in the phrase or..? ;s im confused. well, cause i've heard it before so it's not weird in that sense lols. likee, ums what was it. the day after tomorrow. ;]

breadonabun 0

Keep your head up. I went to the movies and made a move on a girl I liked for a while. Mean while she was mouthing to her friend "help me!". Yea fml but now that girls my gf.

#4 is completely right. And this is when you switch to the classic move where you yawn, stretch, and put your arm around her...

#8 needs to relearn sentence formation.

miamiheat244 0

Well at least u got to hold her hands for 4 minutes