By vargasm - 18/01/2009 12:12 - United States

Today, the girl I've had a crush on decided she wanted to see a movie with me. I tried to hold her hand during the movie and it was great for about 4 minutes. Then she said "Can I have my hand back?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 104
You deserved it 3 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait! She could've wanted to fix her hair, adjust her bra, eat some popcorn, etc.. I mean, at least she didn't just immediately pull away from you. Don't get discouraged just yet.

um. well maybe she didn't want to be too harsh so she figured saying it like that would lighten up the mood. and i agree, holding hands can be weird/uncomfortable...especially on a first date.


some people just don't like holding hands. i don't.

bezach 0

ikr, holding hands with someone you like tottally doesn't make sense, esspecialy when sitting next to them fit two hours.

don't feel like you got shoved away. us women go thru phases like there's no tomorrow. and hey if she didn't work out there are other women who would want to hold your hand as a romantic gesture at a movie or dinner...etc.

this isn't an FML, cmon stop being sucha puss. you wanna hold hands for the whole movie?

kitten1323 19

Don't take it personally. I do that to my boyfriend sometimes when I need my hand for a second. She didn't immediately pull away. Don't lose hope :D

I say the exact same thing to my boyfriend when I need to use my hand for something like fixing my glasses, hair, clothes, etc. If she didn't pull away or try to avoid holding hands to begin with, there's nothing to worry about. :3

I've actually done that to someone before..

She held your hand for 4 minutes. Clearly, she doesn't hate you. Maybe she needed the hand for something, like to check something in her purse, get her popcorn/drink, fix her hair, etc. Don't worry about it :).