By haleymcaldwell - 12/11/2013 18:43 - United States - Phoenix

Today, a girl came up and hugged me. At first I was frightened, but then I asked who she was. Turns out she was the kid I babysat for 3 years. She cried when she realized I didn't remember her, then threw gravel in my face and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 277
You deserved it 15 995

haleymcaldwell tells us more.

I babysat for her when she was 3-6 and it's been a long time, years. She looks incredibly different. She used to be blonde, for instance, and now has dark brown hair.

Top comments

You get scared when random girls come up and hug you? That is distinctly different from my reaction, which is somewhat more . . . mature.

Hm, after reading this back, it could be construed as incredibly creepy. I had it in my head that OP and the girl are adults now.


Tsk tsk, I blame whoever raised her

Rainhawk94 27

I love how you got down voted so hard and then got more upvotes on your reply.

You get scared when random girls come up and hug you? That is distinctly different from my reaction, which is somewhat more . . . mature.

Hm, after reading this back, it could be construed as incredibly creepy. I had it in my head that OP and the girl are adults now.

that would depend on age if a eight year old girl ran up and hugged me I think I would react the same way

Mature? You mean crotchety. You'd probably whack her with your cane and scream about kids these days.

perdix 29

#2, "It's not maturity, it's just a reflex, Officer."

caohm 18

who else but quagmire! giggity giggity!

JMichael 25

Doc I'm assuming by the girls reaction she is still young. I'd be a little edgy if some random little girl came up to me and hugged me.

I was gonna say you sound like a pedo, but you ended up looking back on the comment, so... hooray?

Na just upset that someone who raised her for 3 years doesn't remember her

you babysat her for 3 years and you didnt recognize her? Wow Id also be upset especially if you were close!

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

As many people have already said, appearances change over time. Yes, it sucks if someone you knew for 3 years didn't recognize you, but that's what time can do.

Yupsies 9

If the girl needed a babysitter, that means she had to be young. After a couple years, people can grow and change dramatically. The girl would've looked very different.

Nah, I don't agree. She would've looked different but not unrecognisable (unless maybe she's old enough to dye her hair and has completely changed the style too). OP could've had that awkward moment where you know you know someone but can't remember where from and you try and remember without them realising, but she probably shouldn't have drawn a complete blank.

saraitkddh 47

At least that means that you were a good babysitter, considering that you meant so much to her that she started crying. At least that's my guess.

Tali147 16

I'm always paranoid that a similar situation will happen to me, except I'd be the little girl. I pretend I don't see people I know who I've not seen in a while when I'm in public, just in case they've forgotten who I am.

chances are OP didn't forget, the girl had grown up, some people look very different after a number of years have passed.