By zl5 - 04/07/2014 23:17 - New Zealand - Masterton

Today, the deranged idiot that I am defending in court went completely nuts and told the judge that I am the guy who planned the whole armed robbery that he is on trial for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 114
You deserved it 4 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, if you're good at your job you can prove him wrong! fyl

Well, at least you're familiar with the case. You should be able to defend yourself easily.


Maybe he's not an idiot maybe if he's that deranged hell get off by being mentally unstable. Funny that he's blaming you.

well, your job is to defend him, so you seem to be in a pickle

Speaking as a public defender, OP needs to file for competency immediately. If his client is indeed deranged or delusional, he needs to be evaluated. To everyone saying that the client will "get off" due to insanity, you clearly don't know how the system works. A person deemed not guilt by reason of insanity doesn't go home; they are sent to a mental institution. Sometimes they are eventually found to be sane again after some period of time, but many remain there permanently.

I'd always heard insanity was worse to get, because it could mean indefinite institutionalization, since there's no maximum sentence, you stay until 'cured' which may not ever happen.

doglady 16

Are you a public defender? FYL indeed

martin998877 12

Declare him as a hostile witness and cross examine the hell out of him.

Coyotus 7

It's your job to defend this statement. Admit your crimes.