By Anonymous - 05/06/2015 18:05 - United States - Haslet

Today, during jury duty, the shitbag who's accused of capital murder in our trial took the stand. The prosecution made him look like a total idiot. He got more and more flustered and eventually screamed at us that he'll have us killed if we find him guilty. I believe him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 924
You deserved it 2 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was that enough to find himself guilty?

There must be a way for you to get off the case if you feel threatened...


Was that enough to find himself guilty?

There must be a way for you to get off the case if you feel threatened...

I don't know about that. I know there is a jury pool like a reserve but I don't know if this qualifies. It also depends how far in they are.

hberri331 18

Posting this would be grounds to be kicked off like the above said.

Witness protection (US marshals) or the local sheriffs (until FBI is called in only for extreme cases) will have all of the jurors under protection if they tell the judge they feel threatened. So there is no need to get off of jury duty but as mentioned above this post if found will get them a kicked off.

Sounds like he needs to find Jesus in prison.

Plz don't post shit like that on here not everybody believes in God and that's just gonna piss ppl off

Anybody can post anything they want..? Just because one person believes something another person totally disagrees with, doesn't mean that person can't express how they feel. And I don't know about you, but what she said didn't seem like she was pushing religion on anybody just making what seemed like a joke.

Lacalema 21

And this is how comments get closed.

Don't make him worse than he is already!

why so when he gets out he can try to shove his religion down our throats

Just like that crazy chick in Orange is the new Black..

the jesus comment gets 30 down votes and the butt rape by an inmate husband is a win. ...I pray for our generation as a whole including myself.

Pray all you want. Nothing's gonna happen.

Eyalsh 32

prayer is stupid because according to your beliefs god made a devine plan. what do you want god to do if you pray for something against his plan, change it?

Whoa. Seems like he is doing the mentally insane act so he doesn't have to go to jail but rather an asylum. Sorry OP. I'm sure he won't be able to get you.

FMLusername969 21

He should be put in solitary confinement immediately so he can't conspire with inmates to have anyone killed. I'm sure his list is long.

I'd say that finding him guilty and putting him away for a long time would be a good idea myself.

Then maybe find him guilty so he can't do anything crazy to you?

"Have" them killed means he'd hire/get someone else to do it, so whether he's locked up or not it's still a valid threat.

Don't know why everyone thumbed this down. very punny hahaha

deathstar3548 14
LostInTheZone11 29

After that outburst. He's definitely going to somebody's wife in the slammer.

that's ballsy to say in open court, I'm sure that will be used against him later on in trial if he's found being mentally stable

lolhailsatan 23

I feel like "ballsy" is the wrong word, more like "goddamn crazy and stupid"

are u supposed to be talking about the case

We don't know who OP is or who the guy on trial is or where in the U.S. this case is being tried. It wasn't the best thing for OP to do since there is a huge grey area, but technically it is legal.

It's in Texas, it says it next to the FML's publishing date

Ooh! Texas! They're all about capital punishment there. I guess that's why the defendant is so frightened... But I think he also just earned himself a one way ticket to Hell. Good riddance!

ironik69 31

"Most states are trying to abolish the death penalty. Here in Texas, we are putting in a drive-thru."

they didn't say any names or what case...... so ya

I don't think that OP is in contempt of court, they never said which case it was. You can also report court proceedings that happened on that day, but not state any previous details or which case it is (at least in the UK, not sure if that is the same for the US).

No it's not legal at all. This is illegal.