By whoops - 25/05/2014 21:23 - United States - Spring Hill

Today, thanks to my phone's shitty predictive text combined with me being half-asleep, I accidentally offered my heartbroken buddy "oral support" if he ever needs it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 042
You deserved it 10 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elijahisaboss 10

My question is what did he say


Buy him a tooth brush and he'll really be confused.

Especially if the toothbrush brand is an ORAL-B(j).

graceinsheepwear 33

Tell him you meant you'd be a sympathetic ear; you know, aural support.

So you'll talk to him like a good friend should then. Good.

just tell him that you meant from a girl, you would help him find one. Lol either that or tell him that your phone is dyslexic.lmao good luck

He just got opposite friend-zoned.