By r1has - 12/09/2016 08:21 - Pakistan - Rawalpindi

Today, someone spilled ammonium hydroxide in ethanol solution in the lab, which smells like very concentrated urine. Since the experiment involved Bunsen burners, we couldn't turn on the fans. We had to work in a lab that smelled like Satan's piss for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 597
You deserved it 1 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, it's not every day we get an FML from the folks that produce Axe body spray! This is truly an honor.

Shadowvoid 33

Sounds like a mixture of Uranium, Hydrogen, and Hydroxide. (UH OH)


Well, I know what my next prank on my brothers is going to be. Where can I get those chemicals?

TMO2142 25

I think you have to order them online

Yes. Online works. All sorts of chemical suppliers offer those chemicals. But then you get flagged if you're not employed by a chemical company. Heck, I can't even order glassware without causing a ruckus. If only there were some way to make meth without needing all those specialized flasks and tubing. Ugh.

Welshite, shake and bake, baby. No glassware required.

tantanpanda 26

University research stores sell glassware for the lab and chemicals like liquid N2. If you're a college student, you can make big bucks...

or if you're a chemistry teacher who decided to cook crystal meth in a van in the middle of nowhere...

TMO2142 25

Thats just gross. But it could be worse.

Shadowvoid 33

Sounds like a mixture of Uranium, Hydrogen, and Hydroxide. (UH OH)

What if Satan came in, stole the chemicals and pissed everywhere?

If there was no explosion, then it is no big deal.

Wow, it's not every day we get an FML from the folks that produce Axe body spray! This is truly an honor.

lexiieeex3 32

At least it wasn't real urine, just the smell. If someone peed their pants that would be even more unfortunate.

I work with ammonium hydroxide, and you underestimate just how strong even a 29% solution is. It's horrible and choking. You'd be begging for the sweet smell of regular urine in less than five minutes.

When it first spilled and we got the first whiff, I actually thought someone peed their pants. And it smells horrible. Think If you wandered hell for a week, ate nothing but asparagus and drank no water, then peed. After the experiment finished the entire class ran to the garden and took several deep breaths. Oxygen has never felt that good

Yeah, typical! Oxygen gets all the credit, while nitrogen does most of the heavy lifting and doesn't even get a mention! Nitrogen is the Jan Brady of diatomic gases -- "Oxygen! Oxygen! Oxygen!"

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Ew. That ammonia couldn't have been good on the lungs though

Wasn't ammonia. It was a dilute solution of ammonium hydroxide in ethanol. Still smelled like the sewerage of hell

I hope the chemicals weren't harmful to the lungs. Not sure if it's correct policy to continue to work in a lab under such conditions.

How does someone accidentally special two solutions together in a lab?

Not two solutions, ammonium hydroxide dissolved in ethanol.

Ah gotcha.. I'm a postdoc :) work in a lab too!