By T1A2Z3 - 13/11/2018 03:00

Today, right before sex, with his dick out and the condom in one hand, the guy I was with answered a phone call from his mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 247
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never get between a boy and his mum — you might rubber the wrong way!

"Do you mind, mother, I'm in the middle of someone right now--I mean something!"


“Now hang on, I can do both.....What??”

Did you want him to put her on hold? Maybe she gave him some handy tips.

Never get between a boy and his mum — you might rubber the wrong way!

"Do you mind, mother, I'm in the middle of someone right now--I mean something!"

whiskey'swino 15

Did... did he remain in the mood and was ready after? So many questions.

Follow up FOLLOW UP perverted and or inquiring minds want to know 😈

Honestly just creeped me out so much I left 😂😂


definitely sucks but what if it was an emergency

TxKitten79 10

If you were able to get back in the mood and continue, oh well. Stuff happens. Now, if he answered in the middle of sex, that would be different.