By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, our Christmas tree was damaged beyond repair after my son and his friends borrowed it for a little experiment. They tied balloons to the branches and tried to make it fly, after seeing a similar video online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 611
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments


unmistakablyamaz 4

Idiots should've used more balloons!!

seximexi911 10

I wonder how many people are going to try and look the video up now...

Oh Misha Collins ... though the scavenger hunt is amazing. I wish there were videos of the other tasks being accomplished, some of them are way out there and I wonder if anyone was actually able to do them. The sad thing is, the video is of this prank going wrong- so by watching it, he should have figured out this was a bad idea... In fact, the video comes with a warning from the cops asking people please not to do this because the Christmas tree will interfere with air traffic and could eventually fall and hurt someone. Then again, being told not to do something often prompts people to do it.

awesomeshay20 6

OMFG THERE ARE MISHA MINIONS ON FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gqqlmno 0


hateevryone 14

why did you buy him the helium tank? and what made you think it was a good idea to do so?

Damn, Misha is actually taking over the web. My prediction has come true. Damn you GISHWHES.