By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, our Christmas tree was damaged beyond repair after my son and his friends borrowed it for a little experiment. They tied balloons to the branches and tried to make it fly, after seeing a similar video online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 611
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments


did they at least tale the ornaments off. if the did then this is funny

Make sure he never watches "2 girls one cup", or else he and his genius friends might try recreating that, too.

leadman1989 15

Make sure they never see Doc's profile picture. God knows what they'll stick up their arses.

Don't worry, they didn't use enough baloons ;) maybe with the next one that you will buy

ydi: Don't put dead trees in your house. Sounds like they took out the trash to me.

When did OP say they had a real tree? In fact it would make more sense if the tree had been a fake one.

Tell him he won't get any presents since there won't be a tree to put them under... That'll teach him.

Rainchikmoo 6

Flying trees? That's a new one...

polkadot3155 6

they probably watched the movie up.. haha :)

Maybe your son will be a great physicist someday?

LadyLexi 0

Hm...well at least they didnt do some crazy thing like tie a bunch of balloons to thenselves and jump off a cliff or something..:)

geod69 8

This is what boys do best at least it was a tree & not one of them yet