Road rage

By Xtine - 23/06/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, while on the road, I saw a turtle in the middle of the other lane. I slammed on my brakes and got out, holding up, and pissing off, several drivers on both sides of the highway. Getting closer to the turtle, I realized that it was not a turtle at all, but a very large pile of dog shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 618
You deserved it 46 323

Same thing different taste

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Wtf? When did a dog have time to take a large crap on a highway???


lexilovesyou 0

Um this has nothing to do with having a liscence moron? But anyway that does suck for youu. At least you have a good heart to save these animals. Unlike most of the morons on here/-:

A7X5989 0

she stopped on the highway, did you not read this? this is a great way to get you or someone else killed

easylazy 0

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AngryC4t 0

If a small animal runs out in front of me while I'm driving, I run it over. **** that squirrel, I'm not risking killing a person by swerving into the oncoming lane like an idiot.

DeadMansCrack 4

Hahaha, AngryC4t, good call. OP- You shouldn't risk the safety of other drivers to save a small animal..or, in this case, dog shit.

SweetThang 0

haha yes it is. but how can a dog use the bathroom in the middle of the road??

No words can ever express how retarded you are OP, people like you who actually let their emotions impair their common sense while driving need to get your license revoked. Seriously you people are worst than drunk drivers, there really needs to be an idiot test along with the regular driving test when going to get your licenses. Question #1. When seeing a turtle in the middle the opposite lane of a busy highway do you. A. Slam on your brakes in an attempt to save the animal, while killing/endangering the drivers around you. B. Pull over to the side of the road and run across the busy highway, endangering your own life. C. Ignore the animal and continue to drive responsibly and consciously.

Wait, how did a dog shit in the middle of the highway?

lolzforfun228 3

i still dont understand how people decided human life=more important than any other type of life form. True it's best to avoid ALL deaths but i dont think i'd just run of some ******* animal in the street. I agree that it would be hillarious if some person got hit on the highway because another person decided it wasn't worth the risk.

#25- seriously? so if u did that on your driving test, do u think u would pass?

yea, you're not exactly the fastest car in the race track r u

how the **** would a turtle get on the highway in the first place huh ?? YDI for not thinking

this is really dumb. the post is from Virginia I'm pretty sure there are no turtles there let alone ones crossing the damn road.

Damn right what a moron the moron that called every one else a moron

at least you didnt run over it full speed.

it was on the other side of the road haha op you lose and thats why you pull over to the SIDE of the highway

Bahaha! You need glasses. Next you'll think a plastic bag is a dog.

They also need a basic education. It would have been a tortoise in the road, not a turtle.

Wtf? When did a dog have time to take a large crap on a highway???

dimmythat 0

ok, i understand stopping if there was a turtle in YOUR lane. but for ***** sake, it was on the opposite side? and it was a highway? are you crazy? you could have caused a collision or could have been hurt yourself!

Yea, the OP cares about a turtle more than everyone on the highway.. What a weirdo tree hugger

Turtle vs. potential death...idk, it's a tough one!

So you nearly caused a car crash involving several drivers over a turtle that turned out to be a pile of dog shit? YDI.

This is the most random FML ever lol ....

ImAKlutz15 0

haha i was thinking the same exact thing :)

ohhdamn 0

I probably would do this, I love turtles. I would steal the turtle.

TheAmazing_fml 0

ROFL. who gives tht much of a shit about a turtle? well i hope u saved the dog ***** life anyway.

9 you are right there are some people with common sense still in the world. Wow but they are few and far between

How your eyes saw something in the other lane, and yet you weren't able to identify it makes me wonder how you got a license. It could've been a tire piece for all you know. How'd you stop driving so fast anyway? You did something VERY dangerous, I hope you know.