By Chucho - 01/09/2012 13:58 - United States - Boston

Today, my mom told me that she rather wait for the city bus all day, than allow me to give her a ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 592
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So then that's her problem. Let her wait for the bus, you can't force her to be comfortable in the car with you.

Wow, you must be a bad driver if she prefers waiting for the bus all day.


So then that's her problem. Let her wait for the bus, you can't force her to be comfortable in the car with you.

Wow, you must be a bad driver if she prefers waiting for the bus all day.

I know my mom would never get in a car with me driving. Even though I know how to drive perfectly she gets a mini heart attack every time I ask her if she'd like a ride... :/

So for my first comment (2) Your mom must "think" you're a bad driver. Either that or she's trying to be environmentally friendly or something.

What if OP is a really good driver and maybe OP just has a really dirty, smelly car.

Or maybe ops mom just didn't want to spend time with him/her

17- True, moms need some personal time too...on a bus.

Your_Nightmares 10

Wow. City bus vs. you driving and she takes the bad are you at driving???

Maybe op is just an aggressive driver. (like most of the east coast drivers)

nonnieluv 9

38- we're not aggressive non-east coasters just drive like turtles

44- I don't think turtles is the word you're looking for... Try the word 'safely'

62 - Just because you're haunted for life by the fml in your profile picture doesn't mean you have to punish the rest of us. That is one of the most horrifying things I've ever read.

Atleast you have your license, why can't she drive?

The tables have been turned now its the parent who doesn't want to ride with their kids, oh my! Let her ride the bus op, it's better for the environment and saves you gas and time.

It's okay OP. You can atleast say you offered her a ride. More time for yourself today!

MichellinMan 20

Either you're just a bad driver, or she's being a bitch.

Drive right past her in your air conditioned car , while she waits on the bench

captainburke 5

Aw your own mother is jealous that you have your own shit and she doesn't :/

I'd rather drive with Satan himself than wait around for the crappy city buses haha