Oh, hai Mark!

By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 12:00

Today, my boyfriend's antisocial father actually decided to talk to me. Too bad I couldn't respond, due to the fact that I still had his son's penis in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 171
You deserved it 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

You could have taken it out to make small talk.


Your life sucks. Literally, at that moment, your life sucked. Hope dad was on the phone or outside a locked door. Lol



Your life sucks. Literally, at that moment, your life sucked. Hope dad was on the phone or outside a locked door. Lol

How long does it take you to pull a **** out of your mouth? It's not like you're trying to solve a puzzle in the dark. If your boyfriend's dad stayed on the other side of the door, he wouldn't have seen you. If, however, he was in the room with you, that dude knew exactly what was going on, so you could have stopped, and replied regardless.

You couldn't just jerk him off while answering? You need to watch some **** to learn handy tricks like that.

bl3ur0z3 17

You could have taken it out to make small talk.