By Moth_Balled - 15/12/2015 04:50 - Australia

Today, my wife knelt down in front me to give me a blowjob. As she took my underwear off a moth flew out of them. I've got no idea how it got there but I was cock-blocked by a moth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 521
You deserved it 6 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you've got moths in your groin, you know it's been a while.

catwomam 15


catwomam 15
noonenoeone 22

Agreed! It's disgusting to even have a bug on your body, but actually in your underwear?? Can't imagine how many days you'd have to go without changing your underwear for that to happen... She might have just used the moth as an excuse once she got a whiff of OP with his underwear off. If you expect someone to go down on you gotta care for yourself, this goes for both men and women!

You don't have to wear the same underwear for days for a moth to be in there...there has to be a first day that the moth gets in, which I'm sure this was. It was likely in there when he put them on from his drawer or something

Even if it was hygiene, I thought most couples get quickly accustomed to asking their partners to do a bit of spritzing up of the place if necessary. If your husband smelt funky wouldn't you be all 'go away and wash that thing first' instead of making up some lame excuse?

#15, You realize moths have absolutely nothing to do with hygiene right? It probably found its way in one night and ended up in his laundry. Alot don't get spooked that easily. It probably didn't even realize where it was. (There's a reason clothes get 'moth holes') There's not much you can do besides not open your door at nighttime and don't go out. lol. Moths are just butterflies of the night. They have nothing to do with being disgusting. They're not cockroaches. -.-

UserError94 18

Okay but what if a butterfly flew out instead? Then OP would have gotten points for dinner and a show.

mwali02 32

I don't see why others aren't concerned by this FML. If bugs were FLYING out of my significant others underwear, it would DEFINITELY kill the mood. Not saying that there won't be any offers ever again, but I may not feel like performing oral sex right in that moment anymore. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow, but definitely not right now. It can take time to get back in the mood after seeing a moth or other insect flying out of there. I am so sorry that OP didn't notice that a live moth was in there to begin with, but I do think OPs wife has a valid concern, and I absolutely agree with #1. Personal hygiene is a must, and everything you can do for maintenance is a plus. Don't give up OP! Tomorrow is a new day! Hopefully you never encounter the crotch bugs again! :)

That doesn't mean he is not clean. Moths eat clothing.

atleast you still got something in your pants

If I were OP, I'd prefer to have a python in my pants.

lexiale 10

#53, A python could kill me. I'd take the moth any day

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When you've got moths in your groin, you know it's been a while.

Maybe the moth got trapped in those cobwebs?

"take the hint woman" - what you should have said

Eww how does that even happen....*looks at location*....oh.

OP's girl is just lucky it wasn't a crotch crocodile or ******** tarantula.

leogachi 15

It was probably in your underwear when you put them on, or got caught in there when you were pulling your pants up after using the bathroom. Either way, I don't see why it made your wife change her mind unless she was laughing too hard or something.

nonsensical 26

Yeah I'm thinking they probably hang their clothes to dry outside after a wash, and when bringing the laundry in the moth didn't leave. I doubt it's a hygiene problem!

I don't get why she abandoned ship at the sight of a moth either, unless she has an extreme phobia and was too shaken up?

rldostie 19

I'm guessing she didn't want to put her mouth where a bug had been crawling around--even if the moth was a relatively recent addition to his wardrobe. Had it been me, I probably would've died laughing then told him to clean his area before coming back. Because bug legs and moth dust.

If yhis were to happen to me and my boyfriend, I would have freaked! I have a phobia of bugs, and if that moth would have flown into my face, I would have had a panic attack..

twarn15 6

Dude! **** blocked" thanks moth

nonsensical 26

I don't know why but now I'm just imagining your penis being very dusty

I can see why! It's been months since spring cleaning! :-D