By stelno - 18/06/2009 13:33 - United States

Today, my wife and I were out with another couple we're friends with. When we went back to their house we looked at old pictures. They showed us a great picture, and I said "It would've been a lot better if that fat chick didn't ruin it in the background." It was the woman from the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 673
You deserved it 64 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

happygoluckyhh 0

Why say anything? It could've been her sister or friend...either way you should not have been a rude ass. Common sense isn't brain surgery.

TNEBlover 0


SP63_fml 0

They wouldn't be showing you the picture if it wasn't of someone they cared about. YDI completely.

Haha! Common sense isn't brain sugery, you know. 0_0 YDI. [:

epic_delight1337 0

haha maybe u could try to cover it up if there were multiple people in the backround, like a random person and point to them.

Eh, just turn it around and say "wow you look a lot better now, I didn't recognize you!" You'd still seem like a bit of an ass, but not a complete jerk.

riku3220 2

I don't think he deserved it. He said it was an old picture so how was he supposed to know that the lady dropped 50 pounds in x years? The only reason he would deserve it is if it were at some sort of family gathering like a wedding. If it was a picture of someone at the zoo it could've easily been a random fat person in the background looking away....

and so randomly insulting strangers is any less offensive?