By Damn_her - 05/03/2009 00:04 - Canada

Today, my wife and I were driving to the gas station, she let me out before she pulled up to the pumps because I had to buy some things from the store. I returned to see my wife proudly filling the tank. Smiling, she told me that diesel was cheaper than regular gas. We don't own a diesel car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 333
You deserved it 8 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here in America, we have much larger nozzles for diesel gas, so that people like your wife cannot put diesel in their cars. The nozzle will not fit into the tank. Only cars with diesel engines have holes large enough to stick the diesel nozzle in.

Oh dear God. :( Strangely diesel is more expensive here in the UK.


marris 0

Funny how almost all of the ridiculous unbelievable stories posted today are posted by people with user names like damn, damnitdamnit, damn_her, etc

life_is_a_hooker 0

HAHAHA What an IDIOT! Please tell me you smacked her... HAHA

cback 0

wow. all you guys are going crazy on the girl just because she doesn't know the difference between regular and diesel. How many guys here can name all the different types and brands of pads and tampons, their prices, and how they're different? What's in a basic makeup set? Do you even know how much a bra costs? Don't be so hypocritical.

lakers0wn 0

usually the diesel fuel pumps in SoCal are independent from the rest of the regular pumps at the station(so trucks can have no parking problems when refueling)

#100, is any of that relevant to the proper operating of a motor vehicular object? No. Here's how your tampon thing compares to the diesel in the tank thing; Guy goes to the store for to get some tampons for his wife/girlfriend/whatever. He gets to the counter, throws down whichever ones he picked out and a twenty. He buys the wrong ones, its just another trip back to the store and buy some more or she can make do and just pick up the right ones next time shes out. Guy's wife/girlfriend/whatever has out guy's truck/car/suv out for a drive. Gasoline engine, not exceptions. It simply cannot operate with any other type of fuel. Our guy's wife/girlfriend tries to save some cash and fills it to the brim with diesel. Vehicle won't start so she calls up our guy. Tells him what happened. Now its not just a trip to the gas station to buy new gas, its possibly hundreds of dollars and maybe thousands in repairs. Anywhere from 350 to 1000~ depending on rates and what has to be done. Plus hes without his truck/car/suv for anywhere from a day to possibly a week depending on how busy the shop is.

#100 I agree completely with #102. And that comes across as slightly sexist. Also.. *I* couldn't even tell you how much a bra cost.. and I have girly bits. Seriously though, that should be basic knowledge for someone that's operating the vehicle.

Firewall_fml 0

Is this FML an EXTREME case of a **** up? Yes, it very much so is. But its not about what COULD happen, but what did. Clearly the OP caught it, which means the possible consequences are not valid in your argument, since we are not talking about what could happen, but what did. The point being, she ****** up, nothing horrible happened, and I bet the tank was drained, proper gas replaced, and we can all have a laugh at her expense. This does not mean that she is any less of a person, or an incredible idiot, but simply, she ****** up. Whoop dee doo. To #100 /start pissing contest Off the top of me noggin Ultra Light (Purple), Light (Pink), Regular (Yellow), Super (Green), Super Plus(Orange). Normals, Tiny ones, Pearly ones. Being from the Tampax lineup, since thats what the female in my life uses. (Not FOR SURE on colours, but I know what for which flow, and the pearly and teeny ones really dont make THAT much of a difference.) Makeup, im not sure of names. I know there is all kinds of blushes, liners, brushes, and probably lipsticks and shit, but overall, makeup does not interest me... FAIL! :( My woman usually gets em about 3 for 36 dollars, but I know when not on sale, at Le Senza at least they are 39.50, and yes, I know her measurements (DD's FTW) Do I win?

Dumb. Divorce her. I hope you got the tank drained.

Sooo here is the skinny... Diesel used to be the less refined of the gasolines (having an octane rating between 15 and 25) and in many countries it still is. regular super and premium usually have octane ratings of 87-89-93 respectively. what this means is that diesel could contain anything from banana peels or small bits of roadkill (exaggerating here) or any organic combustive because diesel engines are made to withstand such a beating. regular gas engines do not have that same capacity and V12 engines are often required to have even higher octane fuels (referred to as high octane) such as 100 iso-octane. think of the difference between sewer water, tap water and filtered water. Due to environmentalist concerns diesel is now the most refined fuel in places where legislation deems it to be so, because when it was highly unrefined, the pollution diesel engines created was astronomical. You pay for how the fuel was refined at the pump+taxes and nothing else. The trucking industry relied on diesel being cheap it was a cost effective thing. So if your wife was indeed putting in diesel that is cheaper, i don't blame her for wanting her to be cost effective. Sadly this is not the first nor third time ive heard this story. there was an Audi A4, Porsche Cayenne, and Lexus SC430 that suffered the same fate in back in my high school days (two of the drivers were guys). the difference between tampons and pads are in thickness, prottection and comfort, tampons are more effective, and yet are taxed as a luxury and thus more expensive for asinine, unknown reasons. A basic make up kit consist of foundation blush concealer eyeshadow lip gloss and mascara and bras can range from anywhere from 35 to upwards of 150 dollars plus. This is why you have boyfriends, tho, but you are more likely to buy this stuff for yourself and the industry knows it which is why they charge you so highly, because they know you will pay. Ignorance is not an excuse...