By Damn_her - 05/03/2009 00:04 - Canada

Today, my wife and I were driving to the gas station, she let me out before she pulled up to the pumps because I had to buy some things from the store. I returned to see my wife proudly filling the tank. Smiling, she told me that diesel was cheaper than regular gas. We don't own a diesel car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 333
You deserved it 8 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here in America, we have much larger nozzles for diesel gas, so that people like your wife cannot put diesel in their cars. The nozzle will not fit into the tank. Only cars with diesel engines have holes large enough to stick the diesel nozzle in.

Oh dear God. :( Strangely diesel is more expensive here in the UK.


i realy hope she is a spectacular lay..... #100 and the rest comparing feminine products to gasoline....this is an invalid comparison The majority of men do not wear makeup or have to rely on it. makeup, tampons, etc vary by the woman. if I am asked to get them...I either ask what to get, happen to know...or its her own issue if i mistake the difference between #108 "light pink" and #122 "salmon".....and frankly the difference is one that doesn't mean shit. Making that type of mistake means nothing. Driving and pumping gas is a skill universally needed. she FAILS

Firewall_fml 0

#117 Yes it is an invalid comparison when you put the two subjects side by side, its apples... to pomegranates. BUT Its not a side by side comparison, its more so a question of do you know this or that. Its still a common thought that cars are GUY things, although I do not agree, I do understand the point that is being made. You are making the mistake of thinking its a 1 Vs the other, when its really just a matter of knowing a certain subject, and all the little differences. Its not the best example, but I feel it is valid. But aside from that, lets look at this way. The simple fact is, she made a mistake. I personally feel this is no excuse for calling her dumb, stupid, or an idiot. She just isnt knowledgeable in this area of life. Thats ok, I bet there is something we all dont really know, and chances are, we will **** up, extremely at that, and we will come out learning something new.

Diesel is cheaper than regular gas here in New Zealand.

That's why women shouldn't be allowed to drive. Except me >.>

jusges05 0

haha no one has ever told you that if you want to get things done you have to do them yourself? That's so funny! sounds like something that would happen to me!

Heymomayeah 0

Where in the world is diesel cheaper than regular gas?

ssuseawolves2011 0

deisel is cheaper than regular gas here in california


idk where you like but diesel is NOT cheaper than regular gas

that's a lie because the diesel nossle diameter is larger than that of a gas nossle. I've almost done that before wondering why the thing didnt fit into my gas tank.

Sammyns 10

In Nova Scotia you can't do that, gas uses a different size hole... I call bull shit