By overseasbummer - 14/11/2014 19:09 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my wife and I had an argument serious enough to end our marriage, while overseas on vacation, with my whole family present. Three more days of awkward tension until we get to fly home and it all ends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 265
You deserved it 3 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully things will calm down and be re-evaluated. Give eachother some space and try and have some fun.

Queen_of_Night 20

Just the one argument OP? Sounds like there's way more to this story! Please Update and sorry about your marriage.


1776487 18

love how ppl down voted you, take a joke, jeez people on this app are so uptight

There are times to make jokes and laugh then there are times to sympathize. I would assume most people see it as the latter. That being said, hope you get things figured out soon OP one way or the either. Ultimately, you guys gotta make a decision as to what will bring, for lack of a better term, closure to what seems like a troubled relationship already.

1776487 18

this is the internet, people make jokes about 911 and school shootings...besides this app is purely for comedy...

Correction #42. This place WAS for comedy. Nowadays it seems to have morphed into a support group for all kinds of dysfunctional people. Make a joke about fat, ugly, stupid, nervous, religious, gay or cheating people and you can expect to be downvoted. RIP FML.

PresidentNorth 16

Does that mean this app has turned politically correct now?

Hopefully things will calm down and be re-evaluated. Give eachother some space and try and have some fun.

Queen_of_Night 20

Just the one argument OP? Sounds like there's way more to this story! Please Update and sorry about your marriage.

Sometimes one argument can get so out of hand that things are said and done that make it hard to go back from. If some really hurtful things were said the trust in each other might be destroyed, and trust is the basis of a working relationship. OP, vacations can be stressful situations. So it might be healthy if you go out of each others way for the rest of it. Once home, you should have a serious talk about what you want for the future and if each of you can still see a possibility to have the other in said future. If you still see a chance it might be time to go see a psychologist or marriage counsellor together to work through the difficulties. If it really is the end though, try to keep the divorce respectful and fair. Treat it like a business negotiation. Either way, I hope a peaceful decision can be reached for the both of you! Good luck!

Make up sex is the best way to make up that or be the man and apologize

it's not always the man's fault. But sometimes it's worth taking the blame just to end the fight

You mustn't be married #23, we men are ALWAYS at fault no matter what evidence exists.

Exactly 41, you could catch her in the act of cheating and shed blame you for finding out

I think that's actually happened on one of the "FML'S"

Maybe a few more days on holiday together will make you both change your minds on splitting up.

i was thinking more like some time apart

If you two really love eachother, I'm sure things will work out. Hope all goes well OP.

love is strong. I hope yous work it out

PresidentNorth 16

I swear you said this on a previous fml and still got downvoted for it. This one thing that happened to a random couple does not pertain to you nor will affect your marriage. I bet you are probably indecisive about a lot of things in your own past, present, and future relationships, which can, and perhaps faulter with this type of attitude. You need to be more accepting of things before you jump the boat about this stuff. Marriage isn't for everyone you don't need the title to be happy either. But I'm just saying.