Bigmouth Strikes Again

By Username - 25/10/2010 11:03 - France

Today, it was my first day as a mailman. One of the houses got a bunch of cards, and the owner coincidentally opened the door as I arrived. So I said to the owner that someone in the house must really be popular. He replied, "She died this Tuesday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 292
You deserved it 6 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you had no way of knowing, not your fault!

OP, remember when you make presumptions you make a pre out of Sue and umption. Wait...


you had no way of knowing, not your fault!

you should've replied with "well how does she intend to open the mail?"

heysunshine21 0

Well OP was right, she was popular to get all those cards.

OP, remember when you make presumptions you make a pre out of Sue and umption. Wait...

doink 0

I make pre's out of Sues all the time, but never Umptions. What kind of sick freak does that?

gusgus36 5

When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.

Really, astroman? Did you just...I mean, really?

It's confirmed. ^ Astroman has cancer.

aww, its not ur fault, u didnt knoww, but still, mind ur own business next time op !

Ydi for trying to make small talk. Keep it moving! :P