Bread is serious stuff

By bullsonyourface - 30/09/2019 20:00

Today, it's my 6-year anniversary with my fiance, but due to a lot of different family issues, I had to drive 9 hours with my dad to go visit them. Long story short, there was a giant argument about bread, my dad stormed out and I'm left to deal with this shit storm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 462
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like Dad (and some others?) needs to attend some anger management classes.... :-(

You can't have a correct opinion on multi-grain until you've tried mine.


ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

That's what daughters are for ...

like really gonna argue over bread that is very childish hopefully you patched it wit your bf family

bullsonyourface 20

especially with everything that was going on at the time, yes, very childish, my family is just batshit hahaha

Pumpernickel is the best, white bread is for morons who have no sense of taste, multigrain is overrated and sourdough is for hipster doofuses. That's that, so what is there to argue about!?!?!

You can't have a correct opinion on multi-grain until you've tried mine.

Ok, I'd be happy to be proven wrong.😂😂😂

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bullsonyourface 20

no ya asshole, 6 year anniversary of when we first ******, duh.

Sounds like Dad (and some others?) needs to attend some anger management classes.... :-(

YDI Blood is Thicker Than Water you should have been with your Fiance not at your family's place. The family you choose is more important than the family by accident of birth.

bullsonyourface 20

well, one of my favorite relatives is dying and it was the one year anniversary of my cousin passing away so I wanted to attend the celebration of life. so, I was sort of obligated but the shit that went on while I was there made me wish I never went.