By Herdad - 30/07/2009 11:34 - United States

Today, my two year old daughter did not want to leave the toy store, when I picked her up she started screaming at the top of her lungs, "YOU'RE NOT MY DADDY!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 045
You deserved it 3 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bathory_fml 0

Just start screaming "I HAVE NO SON! " at the top of your lungs. That'll shut her up. Probably out of confusion, but still.

dzidziaud 5

Hahaha, that must have been fun. was your visit to the police station pleasant? :]


dzidziaud 5

Hahaha, that must have been fun. was your visit to the police station pleasant? :]

lexilovesyou 0
codaic1549 0

you do realize that this happens all of the time, right?

that little girl is SMART. that's like the only way for a little kid to get their way.

cagj 0

I would have just gone oh sorry your right and walked away and hid behind a cloths rack to watch her reaction

Bathory_fml 0

Just start screaming "I HAVE NO SON! " at the top of your lungs. That'll shut her up. Probably out of confusion, but still.

lloyd1992 0

umm u said i have no son...and then that'll cheer her up? hmmm

shinyred 0

Shut her up not cheer her up!

Free_Candy 0

Well it's true there's no mention of a son.

kittycat1597 10

He's saying that she looks like a boy

were the police called? O.o what happened?

ROFLsyrup 0

hah I did the same thing to my mom in the grocery store when I was two... nothing came of it

Nothing came of it because women can't do anything wrong. OP is lucky he didn't get arrested.

Pan22 0

Reminds me of a video I looked up a while ago. I had to do a project on the "Bystander Effect" for psych class. Essentially they "Kidnapped" a young girl screaming "Your not my daddy" in a crowded area.

It's really sad to know that people would just glance and keep walking without doing anything to help a child. I would at least call 911 even though probably couldn't physically take a kidnapper on myself.

women can do bad shit too, women snatch babies and children

22cute 17

Geez so manipulative at two? What a brat!

Time for good old-fashion discipline, the way I received it when I was acting like a little shit. Hope ya have a leather belt!

ledzepfan 0

@ #6; yeah, leather belt with the father, metal comb from the mother. that's how they used to do it, now-a-days, any more than a slight hit on the wrist is considered child abuse... i don't get it

brit8741 0

People who beat their kids ruined it for the rest of us.

94 I feel ya. my uncle slapped across the face when I got dirt on our tire in front of our white neighbors and they were SOOOOO shocked they just stared. BTW their kids were insane, the purposely ran over their car with their rv then beat it with a hammer. and they graffitied on their own house and LOTS of other crazy shit. all because they never got hit

My parents are the abusive type. I personally believe if you don't hit a kid when raising him/her and just be strict in other ways, your kid will turn out much better.

when i was a kid, my dad would always get out the belt. I was a smart child, and realized after a while, he stopped hitting us and was threatening us. i assume that was when it became a thing you werent supposed to do. So i stood up to him, and you know what i got? Hit.

Smart 2-year old. Watch out when she's a teenager and sneaking out of the house.

Seriously this girl is genius, be proud to have such a smart daughter, even though she doesn't enjoy your company as much as you'd like haha

hahahaha! Oh my gosh, that's funny. Imma have to agree with #9 on that one

I used to do that exact thing to my parents when I was a kid too.