By Anonymous - 19/09/2013 18:12 - United States - Tustin

Today, my smartphone addiction reached a new level of pathetic when I checked my weather app to see if it was cloudy outside. There was a window right behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 944
You deserved it 41 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I think you need a break from your phone for a bit. They're cool and all, but come on :/


Yeah, I think you need a break from your phone for a bit. They're cool and all, but come on :/

A..a...a break?! But someone might post something awe-inspiring on Twitter during that time!!

But I hear a story like this and it makes me giggle

Hey, when your checking the 20+ featured on ifunny, there is no "put phone down and have social life"

badluckalex 23

I agree, but sometimes its super cloudy and 40 degrees in the morning when I got school, then later its like 75 degrees. so I check my phone for that

wingedangel123 8
wingedangel123 8

Cats are awesome. They treat you like you're their bitch and yet they're still so incredibly lovable.

Op seems to be into electronics, perhaps a vibrator?

Or a dog so she'd have a reason to go outside

How many times did you check Facebook before you resorted to this?

aliyourpally 12

I think you need to get outside more.

wingedangel123 8

Admitting this is the first step :) I mean, hey some addicts are too glued to their smartphones to even notice that they have an addiction.