By _The__Doctor_ - 31/12/2012 22:44 - United States - Venice

Today, my skydiving instructor casually remarked that he wouldn't mind "diving into" me sometime. He was strapped to my back the whole way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 325
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I bet that was one ackward Skyfall ;-)

Incognito23 15

Well look on the bright side. Someone likes you.

Color him frustrated and laugh all over it!

Jordath_Fil 11

What OP left out was this man is her husband. ;)

Dear men: Sexual harassment is not, and never will be, a compliment. It's an abuse of power and all it does it makes women feel objectified and devalued. You're not a nice guy. You're an asshole.

colaptesauratus 5

I came here specifically to thumbs up this comment. How does it have 2 thumbs down (now one)? You are absolutely spot-on. Furthermore, there's a difference between someone politely and earnestly complimenting you and a skeevy sexual comment. The instructor's comment is just creepy.

Sexual harrassment? Come on people lets not exaggerate here. It was an, albeit slightly weirdly put, compliment. Just take it and smile, or say "sorry not interested", it's not difficult. There really are some uptight people on here. "It's sexual harrassment" and of course the "dump him" to almost every relationship related FML. Forever alone people, forever alone.

Yarrachel 16

It is sexual harassment, not a compliment. A compliment is saying something something kind about someone else, not what is essentially "I want to bone you." Why would you say something like that to someone who you aren't even dating? This is even worse than just a normal instance of sexual harassment, as this person is OP's instructor, someone she should trust. Not to mention, she is plummeting to the ground, which can be pretty scary for someone who is inexperienced, while this guy is strapped to her back! So it's not like she can even walk away or ignore him.

Someone "wanting to bone you" as you so nicely put it, means they think you're hot, and is essentially a nice thing (I doubt I'll hear anybody arguing that somebody thinking you're attractive is offensive), therefore by your definition it is a compliment. So the guy didn't put it in the most tactful way. But it's no different from telling somebody they're pretty (or something similar). Please don't tell me you'd call "hey you're pretty" sexual harrassment too...

Yarrachel 16

It is not at all the same as telling someone they are pretty. If you really want to give a compliment, just tell them that you think they are pretty. Telling someone who you barely know right out that you want to have sex with them is just creepy! And while telling someone that they are pretty might not be sexual harassment in normal situations, I think that in this situation it would be, as the OP does not have the chance to leave if she is uncomfortable. Why don't you get that this is extremely creepy behavior?

Yes, it's very different. "Pretty" is a universal compliment; grandmothers say that to their granddaughters. It can be said with absolutely no sexual intent whatsoever. "I want to bone you", however, is hardly a compliment in this scenario. Judging by this FML, she has no interest in him, and therefore did not wish to be hit on while plummeting back to earth. It's not a compliment; it's just creepy, and to call it a compliment implies the belief that women are supposed to appreciate being seen as sex objects. We don't, so kindly pack up your stuff and leave the internet. You're being evicted.

Just 'cause you're both too uptight and want to play the "oh poor innocent women" thing, doesn't mean everyone should. I can GUARANTEE you that if this FML was reversed and a woman said to a guy "I wanna have sex with you" nobody would bat an eyelid. You're just over-reacting. Enjoy living a lonely life :)

Also 69, you put "and to call it a compliment implies the belief that women are supposed to appreciate being seen as sex objects" yet your name is "BigSexy", you are calling yourself sexy therefore implying that you yourself are a sex object... you just lost the game.

Yarrachel 16

These kinds of comments are creepy and disrespectful whether it is a man or a woman saying it. FYI, I'm not lonely, because I held out for a guy who was actually nice to me. Even so, I'd rather be single for awhile than be desperate enough to get with anyone who acts like such a freak. Why would any self respecting person want to date someone who acts like this?

Nobody said that she should date him. Just no need to act like it's the worst thing in the world. I really don't think it's FML worthy that the instructor made that comment. Maybe he really liked her, I guess they spent a lot of time together (I could be wrong) not just those few minutes, and maybe he's just a nervous kind of guy and paid her a compliment in an odd way. He might not have meant it to sound so sleazy and just wanted to be nice. Some guys don't have too much "game", we shouldn't be accusing them all of sexual harrassment for being a little off.

FaithDawson 8

If the situation was reversed, it still wouldn't be okay or a compliment! We live in a society today that falsely depicts sex is all that men want. I'm sure if someone a guy didn't know, nor is interested in, essentially stated that they wanted to have sex with him, he'd be creeped out. Sexual harassment that occurs to men is often looked at or depicted on television as humorous and it's not. Neither women nor men should have to just put up with it and press on. They shouldn't have to put up with it EVER.

Yeah, 73? The name is an inside joke. You have no right to dictate how sexual harassment works; it works both ways. If it makes either party uncomfortable, regardless of the gender, then it's harassment. I am in a loving relationship with a man who treats me with respect, so next time try not to assume things about a subject you clearly know nothing about, or I'm going to assume you're just as lonely. The rest of the internet disagrees with you so maybe there's a chance you're actually wrong. Shocker!

I'm late to the party. He got banned. Score one for decency.

theninja1800 11

I got the 10,000th vote on this FML so I'm kind of proud of myself hahahaha

anitadoody 7