Not cut out for this

By Anonymous - 18/12/2016 02:10

Today, I took my girlfriend skydiving for her birthday. I insisted on joining her to make it a memory for us both, despite my fear of heights. I passed out twice mid-freefall and had to be saved by the instructor both times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 801
You deserved it 1 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muis545 21

It's the thought that counts. I bet she fell in love for the gesture.

that is so nice. respect my friend.respect


sonasonic 34

stupid dog ya made me look bad, uhboogaboogaboogaboogabooga

It's the thought that counts. It was sweet of you to try despite your fear.

muis545 21

It's the thought that counts. I bet she fell in love for the gesture.

caseyface1123 15

At least you have the experience and I'm sure she's glad you were there. Concious or otherwise.

You proved you had fallen for her by falling for her.

that is so nice. respect my friend.respect

"You know those dreams where you feel like you're falling and are jolted awake?" "Yeah." "I had the exact opposite thing happen to me. Twice."

I'm sure your girlfriend will have lifelong memories of your limp, lifeless body dangling there, wondering what it foreshadows for your future love life.