By Cùchulainn - 10/01/2009 03:23 - France

Today, I came home from work. I crept up to the bedroom to gently wake up my girlfriend. I touch her shoulder and slowly leant in to give her a tender kiss. She suddenly wakes up and grabs me by the throat... I keep forgetting she's in the army. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 070
You deserved it 9 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hailhall 0

hahha when my brother came home after boot camp he said dont come to my bed and shake me to wake up. if anything flick the light on and yell at me

wira176 2

I have the same experience but with my Dad. He practiced Silat throughout his youth and his sense of awareness is off the charts - one time I tried waking me up by shaking him he proceeded to knock my ass off the floor before fully waking up. Nowadays I just gently tickle his big toe but from a safe distance.


hailhall 0

hahha when my brother came home after boot camp he said dont come to my bed and shake me to wake up. if anything flick the light on and yell at me

she's in the army? well then i guess f her life lol. PS: first leech! lol jk ;)

marleytooyou 0

tottaly not an fml get over it ya pussy

KinqLeo610 0

Lol the army's 4 ******* join the marines!!

just_dandy20 2

#71 I bet you're not in either branch, Army nor Marines. Asshole, grow up!

Eir_fml 1

I like the yelling idea in 3. 5 is amusing, and I agree a bit, having a girl like that would be... interesting.

wira176 2

I have the same experience but with my Dad. He practiced Silat throughout his youth and his sense of awareness is off the charts - one time I tried waking me up by shaking him he proceeded to knock my ass off the floor before fully waking up. Nowadays I just gently tickle his big toe but from a safe distance.

I'm about to join the air force. So, this is what I get to look forward to lol.

No, getting paid to fly a desk and sleep in luxury won't exactly do that to you.. Pick a real service or stay on civvie street

My stepfather used to be in the Air Force. He has the strength of a butterfly.

haha @10 that's awesome but yeah, that's pretty awesome having a girlfriend that could possibly kick your ass (but still feminine at the same time), I'm not one for those high maintenance girl

I'm joinin the Army next semester I hope I don't get this way

cassiesandra 0

you will. I'm sorry. you can take measures to prevent it but all of us are jumpy. :) even paper pushers.