By gag reflex - 16/08/2014 16:03 - Australia - Burwood

Today, while I was at the dentist, I couldn't stop gagging when he tried to put a tab in my mouth to get an x-ray. As I left, I overheard him saying, "I feel sorry for her boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 063
You deserved it 9 810

Same thing different taste


All you needed in this comment was the word "unfortunate" and we all could've started a Little Mermaid sing along, darn.

things would've been pretty interesting if Prince Eric were a dentist...

Wonder what would happen if your boyfriend heard him say that

I feel sorry for him. After all, for some reason, he did make the conscious choice to become a dentist.

That's extremely rude of them to say, FYL.

It is kind of rude. And if I were in that situation and I heard my dentist say that as I was leaving, I would have assumed he was referring to my looks or something and been more offended. I wouldn't have automatically figured out it was because of the gagging.

I don't know why that got buried. How DID op know it was because of the gagging?

Probably because the FML is about her gagging while at the dentist's. I'm going to assume she was gagging quite a lot during the duration of her visit for him to notice.

I didn't say she didn't gag.. I was saying how do you know the dentist is referring to the gagging when you hear that comment?

Animekid126 13

Probably because that's what makes this fml

Maybe she's not self conscious of her looks and what others think of her looks don't matter to her. As far as judging anything else about her he can't, he is her dentist so probably don't know her well enough. So only thing left that would effect her boy friend is the gagging.

A medical man with a sense of humor! Is his name docbastard by any chance??

There might be a slight difference between a trauma surgeon and a ******* dentist.

Whoa, now they have "*******" Dentists?! Damn I am missing out...

Training requires you to not gag on an x-ray tab.

No wonder he commented on it if he was a "*******" Dentist. xD

23lf 16

What's with all these people in the medical field who are assholes?

Asshole? He just has a sense of humour. Lighten up.

I don't think OP took the remark as a joke if she posted it on FML.

drayloon 50

where's DocBastard when you need him...

CasiLG 17

According to his blog he is on vacation. I used to gag when the dentist hygienist did her x-rays. She put a sprinkle of salt on my tongue. As I grew older breathing deeply in and out of my nose helped.

#43 it was a perfectly harmless joke he shared with his secretary/assistant after he thought OP had left. I bet OP thought it was funny too.

No, I can see that making her feel insecure.

What I'd like to know, is how does one go about having theoretical, figurative, or mind sex. There is too much that sex-ed forgot to include in the lesson plan.

That's uncalled for. He's a dentist, not a love expert. He should mind his own business. FYL

It's not your buisness to decide what's his buisness. mind your buisness.

Well, it's not your business to tell her that it's not her business to tell someone else what's not their business, so mind you own business.

Her love life is none of our business. I don't understand how I could get out of her business, when I'm not trying to be in it in the first place. Also, how is her love life concerning him? That's just my opinion.

simplysarcastics 26

Well, I was just minding my business, when I see all these comments about how we should just mind our business. But guys it's just business , nothing more so I decided to get in the business because I think we should just get along. Business...(°-°)/

vividpictures 17

First of all, she didn't decide anything all she did was give her opinion and if it wasn't our business then it would not be on the "World Wide Web" where Practically everything is public.

Well then you should be sorry for his wife

For being married to a dentist with a sense of humor? Some people need to take themselves less seriously and laugh at themselves once in a while :)

What kind of society do we live in where we cant even assume a person is straight? Thats messed up

I'd call it an open and fair society.

#76, then she shouldn't even be offended.

if you take out your tonsils you won't have a gag reflex any more . Sorry that you had to hear that from your dentist .

I don't have tonsils and I almost throw up every time I brush my tongue.

Your tonsils have nothing to do with your gag reflex. You can train your gag reflex by putting pressure on your tongue and moving backwards, like when brushing your tongue.

What? That's not true... I still gag sometimes when I have to get an x-ray at the dentist and I got my tonsils out years ago.

And where'd YOU get that experience from #45 o.o

I seriously thought it said "toenails" in all the comments above. I was starting to think I wasn't normal for still having mine intact...

I also prefer that my douche act in a professional manner