Smooth criminal

By Anonymous - 28/02/2022 00:01

Today, my sister stole my credit card, used it to rack up a small debt, then told my mom she will pay me back in the future one day, “happily”. But not right now because she has better things to spend her money on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 194
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxWTFxx1981 23

Report her to the police and the credit card company for fraudulent transactions. I had a cousin do that to me I made the mistake of thinking could work it out with them. I never got the money. It took me a while to pay it off and my credit score got ruined due to late payments. A family member that steals from you is not someone I care to call family.

That's a federal crime. Report that to the police and your bank immediately! Next time, try immediately disabling the use of your card on your bank account immediately if it goes missing


xxWTFxx1981 23

Report her to the police and the credit card company for fraudulent transactions. I had a cousin do that to me I made the mistake of thinking could work it out with them. I never got the money. It took me a while to pay it off and my credit score got ruined due to late payments. A family member that steals from you is not someone I care to call family.

That's a federal crime. Report that to the police and your bank immediately! Next time, try immediately disabling the use of your card on your bank account immediately if it goes missing

Be patient. She said she'd be happy to pay you back in the future. I'm sure she will be joyful to return your money some day. Won't that be worth the wait?

The family problems are terrible, but I would dispute this to your credit card company to at least alleviate that issue. As an aside, I am very sorry. one of my best friends stole from me and it was terrible for me

I would beat her ass. what did your mom say?

Call the credit card about the fraudulent charges. You won't be held responsible. Also, press charges against your sister. She committed theft, and depending on how much she bought, this could be grand larceny. And if anyone in your family complains, remind them your sister stole from you, and whoever defends her is cut out of your life.

Let's rewrite that Today, I had to file a police report against my sister for stealing my credit card and committing fraud. My mom was mad at me for not just letting her pay me back at an unspecified data in the future. FML