By kittynapper - 17/07/2014 23:32 - United States - Denver
Same thing different taste
By catlady5569 - 27/08/2009 08:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2017 20:00 - United States - Coplay
By No way - 10/01/2025 22:00 - United Kingdom - Glasgow
By Anonymous - 17/02/2013 00:43 - Finland - Helsinki
Spay and neuter, people!
By Anonymous - 21/10/2019 18:00
Sophie's choice
By Kerry - 18/01/2025 03:00 - United Kingdom
Cat Burglar!
By Aimee Lutz - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff
Doggy dog world
By HereKittyKitty - 01/12/2013 20:27 - United States - Carlsbad
By Nekro_Kat - 10/08/2011 03:00 - United States
By blehhx - 09/04/2011 05:32 - United States
Top comments
that's an awkward conversation. at least the kitty was in safe hands and very close.
Agreed. Good that kitty had been in safe paws, but how did you only realize meow? Well, there's no purrfect solution, but I'd do whatever fluffs out best for you and your neighbor.
The fact that your username includes the word tiger just took your comment to a whole new level.
I agree with 52 and I hope the conversation with your neighbor went ok. if you can't keep him then you should adopt one. I know someone who did it and they said the cat has never been happier. good luck :)
It's an honest mistake OP, you didn't know.
i'd still keep though
I laughed way harder at this FML then I should have, but I read #35's comment and it became downright hilarious!
Give a half part to them and keep one.
Whoa, hold on there, let's not go king Solomon all over this. It doesn't take a vet to know that cat would be in rough shape, nor a doctor to know a baby can't survive being bisected.
Ink tears, we don't actually want tears ya know?
I dont see why your comment is being downvoted :( i think it was very funny!
Idk if this guy is being serious or not, but either way no need to flip shit talking about how cats can't be separated into halves without killing it. I'm sure he/she meant it as a joke. No need to take things so literal.
Everyone might be down voting you, but I thought you were hilarious, #2.
#2's humour is on point. Strike with the forces of King Solomon, let bygones be bygones and so on and so on
my cat goes to my neighbor's house all the time, but I can't imagine not noticing that she had moved there permanently.
How can you be so oblivious for 3 years and FINALLY notice? Clearly they must of not cared that much for the cat anyways.
op must be stupid if he/she did not know this. especially if the cat just randomly appeared at his/her house instead of buying it like a regular pet
I used to have a cat and he liked to go outside, one day he never came home. we suspected our neighbor took him but we never really could prove it
I have 3 oriental shorthair cats and all are kept strictly indoors. This breed of cat is even highly recommended to be kept indoors at all times. They are very happy and have plenty of scratching post trees, beds, blankets, and toys. My previous cat, also an OSH, got outdoors by accident and was mauled by my neighbors dogs which were inside my fenced in backyard. I've had a lot of cats, majority being indoor/outdoor. Another one was killed by the two neighbors dogs attacking her and playing 'tug-of-war' with her. One was hit by a car. One simply disappeared. Plenty were fine and never had any problems and died of old age. I will never have another outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat again. It is so much more safe and less stressful when you know where your beloved kitty is at all times.
Maybe they never told them.
You probably should have asked around first before assuming the cat was homeless, YDI. I feel so bad for your neighbor, if it were me, I'd be glad my cat was okay but beyond pissed you just kept my cat. You're going to have to give it back, as the cat is legally theirs, unless the neighbor decides the cat can stay with you but I sort of doubt that.
How do they know definitively that it is the other parties cat though? Cats can look very similar. I don't think there's enough evidence or information to go either way.
People take in strays all the time. OP obviously didn't get any notice to look for the missing cat, like most neighbors would give. If my cat went missing, the first people I'd ask is my neighbors to see if they have seen him. And if the cat wasn't wearing a collar, OP obviously wouldn't think it was somebody's pet. I think it was kind of them to take in a kitty if they thought it was a stray.
It is common sense not to feed a perfectly healthy looking cat. The cat probably lived at both homes and got double the amount of food. A neighbour did the same to my cat and when I found out and politely asked them to stop. They refused. Very frustrating and bad for the cat's health.
people love to feed and look after cats that come into theor homes... but its so wrong. if the cat keeps hanging around chances are it lives close by so unless it looks like it hasnt been fed it weeks dont take it in! thats such a horrible thing to do. my 8 year old family friend had a beautiful kitten who got attached to the neighbours and when they moved house they took it with them. she was distraught. its so selfish. we had a cat come into our home so we put up found posters. problem solved
It could be that OP did ask around, but the neighbours were lax, didn't pay attention, or just decided they couldn't be bothered with it. A lot of people get bored of their pets. Then decide they want it back. Or yes, OP may have decided they liked the cat, so kept feeding it. Or like the cat and are lying. I know someone who had a stray show up, scared, malnourished and wanting into their home. They cared for the cat, did try and find owners, but nobody came forward and no microchip. Decided after a few months the cat could stay. But of course there could be someone missing him, sometimes you can only do your best!
solution to ALL this? keep your cats indoors. damn irresponsible pet owners, blaming other people for looking out for your cat when you stupidly let it out. better some random takes it in and treats it right than it be hit by a car eh.
Cats are known to go outdoors and come back and they're not like dogs that try and run across a street or chase a car lol.
Yep, it's not like only 20-30 years ago a lot of dogs were allowed free roam outside and back in the houses at night as it was "unfair" to keep them inside except for toilet and walks! Oh... wait...
I don't think it's wrong the OP took the cat in, he thought he was doing something good. Plus the cat obviously wasn't going to both homes to get fed but clearly chose the OP as it's owner. And I sort of agree with the comment about outdoor cats; it's your choice if you let your cat roam outdoors, but if you do you have to have common sense that it may get injured by other other animals, get hit by a car, that someone else may start feeding it, or that someone may take it in thinking it's a stray, and just accept that you can't control that. It kind of makes me mad that an owner would be mad at someone else for any of these things happening. It was your choice to let your cat roam free and not have an indoor cat that you can supervise at all times, so don't blame others for anything happening. Go ahead and down vote, but If something happens while your cat is unsupervised it's not anyone else's fault.
I wonder if the cat got brought into the SPCA and OP adopted it from there?
And although #45 may have worded it wrong, I don't completely disagree. Cat owners may not feel that it's ok to keep their cats indoors at all times, but I don't think it's ok that everyone else in the neighbourhood has to deal with a cat they may not like. I feel like letting your cat roam outside is forcing it on everyone in the neighbourhood. The cats are crapping and roaming on their lawns, fighting with their pets, eating/killing the little wildlife, lounging on their property, and sometimes asking for food or to be let in. I have a little dog who freaks out because the cats are in our backyard or lounging on our porch when we go to walk outside. One time a cat that was lounging on our porch decided to come in when our family members walked in and my dog freaked out causing the cat to pee all over our floor and I had to try and intervene so they didn't get hurt and attack each other. Down vote if you must, but there has to be a better way to let cats outside without letting them off your property. People would absolutely go nuts if dog owners decided to let their dogs "roam" all over their property! Edit: sorry for the novel, didn't feel I could accurately get the point across with less words.
38, I think that's what happening with my cat. When I first started letting my cat outside in my current neighborhood, he lost a lot of weight because of all the extra exercise he was getting. Then he gained it all back and got fat again. He's super friendly, so I think one or more of my neighbors may be feeding him. I just wish I knew who it was.
I agree with keeping your cat inside. I know it's hard but it's certainly better if you feel your neighbors are wrong for caring for a cat that keeps showing up. it's not fair for them to have to deal with your cat because you can't be bothered and just let it out because it's easier for you. my cat would rarely be allowed outside and when she did she'd go to any and everyone's house and meow. now there's another cat that meows all night and I see how unfair it is. one time I let my cat out and I was out there with her. walked inside and right back out and she was hit by a car.
A lot of cat adoption places actually won't let you adopt a cat unless you specifically have the space and outdoor facilities for it (unless possibly it's a cat who has never been outside before and wouldn't cope well). Cats need to go outside, it's natural for them and being cooped up inside certainly isn't a very fun, enriched life even if it is safe. Basically, if you live somewhere where there's a big road or in a flat with no garden then maybe you should consider a hamster or a lizard or something instead? Our cats aren't allowed out the front because there's a busy road and they could get hurt but they're allowed out the back whenever they like. They'd be mortified if they couldn't get out.
Also, there are lots of other cats in the area and I don't think we've ever had problems with visiting cars or meowing at night or anything. They wander around sometimes but they mostly stick to their own territories. The only time we ever had trouble was when someone had a big unneutered tom who would start fights (fortunately they moved away).
45 is actually right. It is very irresponsible to allow fluffy to just go wandering free outdoors and do whatever he wants. Regardless of how many people do it or whatever their selfish reasons are for continuing to do so. It is both for the safety of your cat and for your local wildlife. Regardless of what you want to tell yourself cats do not NEED to go roaming around all willy nilly. If you really feel your cat needs outside time, be responsible about it and put a harness and leash on kitty, or build him an enclosed play area outdoors. Cats are already responsible worldwide for the extinction of over 40 species, and the blame lies with all of the self entitled people who "can do what they want with their cat". They are the world's #1 invasive animal. They are destructive because they are a domestic animal that does not belong in ANY ecosystem aside from your home. They are particularly destructive because they actually kill for the sake of the kill. There is a great study where they took some people's cats where the family swore up and down that Fluffy didn't hunt or kill when he went outside, they fitted these cats with cameras and recorded that every one of them killed, usually multiple animals in one session. Not to mention, if your cat is outdoors, he is hunting. If he is hunting, he is ingesting some of what he kills. That makes him EXTREMELY vulnerable to parasites, and then he is going to bring them back home into your house so that you and your whole family can become hosts to some of them too. You can't control what he is exposed to out there. On top of that, you are exposing him to many other dangers. Predation by hawks and larger mammals, not to mention being hit by a car. Don't EVER say it won't happen to you. Those are the famous last words of many supposedly loving pet owners who let their cat (or dog) for that matter outside unsupervised and untethered. How do I know? I worked in this industry running a supply store for years. I can't tell you how many urns I sold to people who thought it was okay to let their animal roam free only to have their poor pet pay the ultimate price, and then cry about when something does happen. Having a pet accidentally escape and hit by a car is a horrible tragedy. Letting your animal outside and having them killed or lost is a conscious decision and is a preventable hazard, and it is YOUR FAULT if something happens to them. My 2.5 year old daughter has had our lovely black cat named Salem by her side since the moment she was born. He was just a tiny ball of fluff when she was born and for whatever reason he became completely obsessed with her. He still is. He follows her around all day, every day. He plays with her, he even plays with her toys with her. He watches over her, comes and gets me if she's crying in her room, gets upset if she is hurt, hell he even hangs over the railing of the bath tub with his arms in the water while she's in the bath. Salem is a hot mess. He has extra toes on his feet, and has a permanent slight tilt to his head thanks to a battle with a bad ear infection as a kitten that almost killed him, despite the vet's best effort. But Salem is still perfect. I couldn't ask for a better cat. And I sure as hell couldn't IMAGINE the effect on my daughter if he was killed or lost. Nor could I imagine just letting him run around like that, unsupervised and vulnerable. Hence, He does not go outside. He is an indoor only cat. He is perfectly happy with that, doesn't even try to go out because he gets plenty of enrichment indoors. People who say their cats "need" it have no idea what they're talking about. Fluffy does not need to kill wild animals to fulfill his prey drive. We have toys for that. Fluffy does not need to be ******** in the neighbors yard. Fluffy does not need to be smashed by a car. Fluffy does not need to be killed or maimed by another animal. Fluffy doesn't need a case of worms. Fluffy needs a caring and responsible owner who keeps him safe and also gets him FIXED. This is a long post, but it is worth it to say, be a responsible pet owner, keep your cat indoors or on a leash, for his safety and for the sake of your local wildlife and neighbors.
34: I have a cat who was born stray, we got her as a 7 week old kitten. We had her microchipped, because it's safer and they will do that at most vets. Some cats who were stray are microchipped, if you're not microchipping cats because they started out as stray, that's pretty irresponsible and it's one of the main reasons people don't get their pets back because some people don't bother to have them microchipped.
#56 My neighbor owns several cats that constantly go missing and jump out in front of my car on a regular basis. In fact I think I have had to dodge more cats than dogs while driving in my lifetime.
80, You lost all credibility when you claimed that cats are responsible for the extinction of 40 different species. That falsehood has been disproved by actual scientists who don't have a holier-than-thou agenda. The phenomenon of prey animal populations adapting to increasing numbers of predators is well documented.There's this little island called "Britain" where it's customary to allow one's cat outside. Guess what? Its small animal population is doing just fine. True, stray and pet cats who are not spayed or neutered are a nuisance, but when a cat's drive and ability to reproduce is eliminated, he or she does not keep the neighborhood up all night with their howling, and their inability to make more cats keeps their impact on the local ecosystem minimal. And your mention of diseases and parasites: you know they make vaccines and parasite medicines right? Just because you prefer to keep your cat in a bubble doesn't mean these modern measures don't work. And have you ever put a cat on a leash. They don't take to it like dogs do. They HATE being tethered. Cats are different than dogs. You might as well claim that horses and gerbils should be walked on a leash. I let my cat outside. You know why? It's not because I'm selfish. It's because he WANTS to go outside. He sits by the door and cries until I let him out. He'd be miserable if I kept him in my tiny apartment all the time. I live in a suburban area with low traffic and he has a healthy fear of cats. The local predators either only have a taste for fish, or are too small to pose a threat to him. I can't build an enclosed area for him outdoors because I rent. He's neutered and fully vaccinated and receives regular parasite treatments. He's healthy and happy. He's not a nuisance. He gets along great with my neighbors. They adore him. People are always greeting him with a smile and he loves when they pet him. I grew up with indoor / outdoor cats. I've had 6 of them throughout my life. Those that are no longer alive died of old age, except for the one that died because she drank toilet bowl water while the cleaning agent was still present--an INDOOR hazard. My cat will also likely die at a ripe old age because he's smart, he knows how to take care of himself, and I take good care of him. And if he does meet some tragedy outdoors? Naturally I'll be heartbroken, but at least he'll have enjoyed his time on earth, however brief, rather than living a long dull life while he yearned to roam free. Your daughter would probably be safer if you kept her indoors all her life, but her life wouldn't be worth living then would it? So no, I'm not selfish, and I'm not inconsiderate of my neighbors. I'm a loving and responsible pet owner who is acting humanely and in full compliance with the law. You prefer to keep your cat indoors. If my cat's head was constantly tilted to the side, I'd keep him indoors too, but it's clear that's not the only reason you keep him inside. But you know what? I won't judge you for it or call you names because I realize that not everyone thinks like I do, and that's okay. You keep your pets the way you see fit, and I'll keep mine the way I see fit. As long as neither of us is abusing our neglecting our pets, it's no one else's business.
77-- In the US, the Humane Society/SPCA has you sign a form saying you are committed to keeping your cat indoors when you adopt from them. I've adopted from them several times and had to sign one every single time.
92, the part of your comment I disagree with is where you say he's not a nuisance to your neighbours, you can't fully know that unless you are out there watching him the entire time and watching how other people are with him. I have never complained to our neighbours about their cats running and lounging on our property because I don't feel it's worth the argument, however that doesn't mean that it doesn't bother me. I just try and shoo them away when I see them. However I don't bring it up because I know unless they keep their cat indoors, which they won't, then there's no way of them keeping them off our property. So just because no one has complained doesn't mean your cat isn't bothering them and they don't wish your cat was kept indoors. The people that say their cat aren't killing birds and bunnies or that aren't a nuisance to the neighbours don't actually know unless they are watching their cat the entire time it is outside; which I very highly doubt anyone does.
Always thought it weird when people bring up 'local wildlife'...cats ARE natural predators of those creatures. If we weren't around then there would still be wild cats eating mice and birds amd whatnot. It might make you feel really awful, and tbh I do try and discourage my cats a little if they're trying to kill something right in front of me, but that IS nature. And I don't really want mice in my house either. In any case, keep your cat inside if you must but for gods sake don't put them on a bloody leash. That's even worse than not letting them outside. I'm sure there are some that like it but I'm pretty sure the majority of cats would hate that. They're more independent than dogs, you can't just tie them up.
And 93 - interesting, and fair enough. I was going on a UK perspective...I remember we had to wait until we left our flat before we could adopt a cat and I've heard lots of other stories. I think the US and UK generally have quite different views on cats - in the US there seems to be a substantial movement towards keeping cats inside and declawing seems to be a lot more tolerated...over here we do have indoor cats but I'd say most people think outdoors is best when possible and declawing is sort of unheard of...just my perspective though.
94, No I don't watch my cat constantly while he's outside, but I HAVE seen him interact with my neighbors on MANY occasions and it's always positive. Maybe some of my neighbors dislike him but as far as I know that's not the case. So no, I'm not going to imprison my sweet friendly cat in my apartment on the off chance that his existence pisses off some random person who chooses not to say anything about it.
Would also like to add that of the three outdoor cats I've had that have passed on, two died from old age at 16 and 17 respectively and the one who did unfortunately die too young was involved in an accident INSIDE the house.
@96 Dude, we made the cats of today with breeding. Wild cats are lions and stuff.
Actually there are laws for this. if the owner is not located in two weeks. Then it is legally OP's after a visit to the vet and registered. Sad. But it's that way in my state and it helped me rescue a horribly abused pitbull when the owners finally decided they lost their dog and noticed my found papers were posted. I think that it's as long as you post found cat papers or actively searched...the animal is yours.
115 - Lol, please google 'wildcat' for me...I don't mean all wild cats, I mean the actual 'wildcats'. They're what we domesticated house cats from and they've basically been around since caveman times. Do you really think that without humans there would be no feline predators of around that size?
Oops, my bad on recalling a fact incorrectly, it's actually 33 species extinct thanks to feral cats. Don't worry, give it ten years, that number will be over 50. My dog WANTS To eat cheeseburgers every day, but I don't let him for some pretty obvious reasons. Your cat WANTS to go outside. That doesn't mean he needs it. It is not hard to put a harness on your pet and tether him so that he can catch some rays without ******** all over everyone else's property and killing your local songbirds and reptiles. Your pets don't belong outdoors uncontrolled. If you can't provide enough enrichment for him indoors or build him a safe enclosed area for outdoor time and use that as an excuse to let him go off galavanting through the neighborhood, perhaps it's time to find someone who can. It's not hard, it's not impossible. You can tell yourself whatever you have to in order to justify your irresponsible behavior, but don't come into my store crying when he's run down by a car, injured by a fox, sick with a parasitic infection, or when someone gets sick of him ******** in their landscaping and killing their wild songbirds, and traps him and takes him to the pound (or worse, shoots him). Cats are currently in the process of killing off plenty more species, including New Zealand's kiwi bird. Domestic cats are an unnatural predator, they don't belong. Feral cats have become a plague worldwide. There is not enough help in the world for all of them, and irresponsible owners dumping their unfixed cats on their neighborhoods and allowing them to continue breeding and pumping kittens out like a factory farm are to blame for that. A stray pet is adoptable and should be treated accordingly, a feral cat isn't, and it certainly shouldn't be left to spread it's plague and further burden our declining global ecosystem. When it comes to feral cats, either way, something has to suffer and die. If they're allowed to continue running amok, the local wildlife will be the ones to pay the price. There is no magical answer where everything is rainbows and sunshine. It is a harsh reality, but that is the way it is.
Feral cats are actually a bonus on reducing rodent populations and many himane societies are participating in Operation Ear Clip or something similair. They pick these cats up, spay/neuter them, clip their ears, and release them again. The only real threat from a feral is that is not adoptable, it coupd contract rabies, and they have been known to kill domesticated cats. By the way, sourcing your 'facts' would be appreciated.
120, You've missed one vital point: my cat is NOT feral. If you can't understand the difference between a person who neuters their cat, vaccinates and treats them for parasites and let's them outside and a person who abandons an anatomically correct and medically neglected animal, then you don't understand the issue and are not equipped to form an informed opinion on the matter or make judgements on anyone else. I agree that feral cats are a problem, but spayed / neutered pet cats allowed outdoors are not. It's overpopulation that causes problems, not individual animals. Spayed and neutered pets don't cause overpopulation. And anyway, like I said, your assertion that even feral cats have caused the problems you claim are inaccurate and have been disproved. And you realize your dog doesn't have to go outside either right? You could train him to use those puppy pads to do his business, but I bet you don't. Why? Because going outside makes him happy and gives him exercise. My cat gets the same benefit from going outside. He wouldn't get that benefit from being tethered because as I stated before, cats hate being tethered. That's just their nature. They're different than dogs, so they shouldn't be treated like dogs. It's cruel to force an animal to behave in a way that is unnatural to them.
You think that the small trade off of a few rodents is worth having diseased, starving, malnourished cats living awfully short lives on our streets? Have you ever worked first hand at a scene like this? Because let me tell you, I have. I HAVE helped clean up our streets and tried to help the cats that could be saved. Some can't. Some get euthanized. Feral cats live awful lives. They do what they have to to survive, but unfortunately that has a negative impact on everything around them. In the process they're killing off the rodents NATURAL predators, including snakes, lizards and birds. We do not need a domesticated companion pet to kill rodents for us, unless it's indoors. Nature can take care of itself. Even field mice are a part of our ecosystem. If there is an infestation of invasive nonnative mice or rats, adding ANOTHER invasive to the roster solved nothing, especially when it can be quickly taken care of with a few well placed traps.
Wow. You and gracehi, please calm down. It is pretty obvious that you come from places where different customs when it comes to pets are present. If you keep your cat inside, kudos and a happy life to you both! But if it's normal where gracehi lives, you don't have to care, his cat won't bother you.
I don't let my dog outside unsupervised either, for all of the above reasons. And then when he is done going to the bathroom I pick it up. There is a difference between supervised outside time and just opening the door and letting fluffy and fido go do as they please. Having a fixed pet doesn't validate any of it. He is still vulnerable to the elements, animals and people, and he is still a nuisance chasing birds and ******** in the grass, spreading his toxoplasmosis further. Are you picking up his crap that he is leaving outside? I doubt it.... And if you think I am ever going to be stupid enough to believe cats have no impact on the ecosystem, you've got another thing coming. You keep making comparisons to other things going outside, my daughter, my dog. But you seem to be missing the actual point... They're not comparable, because it's a controlled situation. Your cat in your neighbors yard, isn't controlled regardless of what you have to tell yourself to think it's ok to do. One example of a cat living a long life outdoors isn't an actual representation of the entire body of data. That is the same biased and terrible logic as these mothers who say "I breast fed my daughter, she's normal, I bottle fed my son and he is autistic. Bottle feeding causes autism!!!" I met so many people over the years that honestly believe their cat is a special snowflake that never kills anything or ***** anywhere. The naivety blows my mind.
129, Thank you, that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. I don't much care if people choose to keep their cats indoors or outdoors. It's none of my business. What I think is stupid is this assertion that I'm somehow a bad person because I let my cat outside, and equating me, and people who likewise let their cats outside, to people who abandon their pets. It's like equating a person who crops their dogs ears to a person who fights Pitt bulls. It's simply not the same at all.
I agree 100%. My 2 cats only go outside when I'm outside and they both go on a harness and leash. I've seen way too many dead cats in the road, don't want to ever have to explain to my son that one of the cats isn't coming home because it was hit by a car. Also, years ago there was a bird's best outside my kitchen window. Then it was a best with eggs, then baby birds, and then it was a nest on the ground with two dead baby birds and one left alive but the momma wouldn't come back. We knew it was the neighbor's cat because it was always lounging in our yard driving the dog nuts. We ended up taking care of the bird for about a week. Bought some worms and cut them into tiny pieces to feed the bird off of a toothpick and fed him drops of water with a straw. We ended up taking him to the humane society. Not sure what happened to him after that, but we're pretty sure he came back to visit. He'd sit on our fence and we could walk right up to him. :)
How do you not realise that it's not a couple of people you're arguing with, it's basically a whole country? It might sound harsh but, just as our views must seem irresponsible to you, your views seem borderline cruel to me. I don't think either of us are gonna change our views too much - even our respective adoption centres and charities seem to differ - but you don't have to be so harsh. Whilst I personally wouldn't have a cat if I couldn't provide it with outdoor facilities, I do know some happy indoor cats. But you seem to have no room for outdoor cats at all. You list all these reasons why but you can't seem to recognise that they simply aren't issues over here. In any case, I use my cats as an example to show that I haven't had any problems of the sort - I'm not stupid enough to think that a couple of cats having good lives means ALL cats are having good lives. However, they do show that outdoor cats doesn't automatically equal early deaths and I do believe they're a fair representation of data over here. And as I said, I only let my cats out the back, not near the road. I don't just let them roam everywhere, I do think about where they're going. I also go and find them if they go missing for too long and aren't back for bedtime! Letting cats outside does not mean you just throw them out any window and let them come back whenever the hell they feel like it. You can let them out and still be responsible.
??????really?? When I adopted my cats (2 cats, adopted 2 years apart) the humane society said to keep them indoors. And one of them was a stray that had been living on the streets for at least 6 months. So, yeah, never heard of any places that insist cats have an outdoor area.......
As I said, there is a difference between UK and US views. I just looked and the Humane Society does indeed say to keep cats indoors (though I could only find one sentence, but then I didn't search for too long). However, my local centre Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has a whole page on the benefits of letting cat outdoors and also has a brochure on preparing for cats that says some but not all cats will be okay living purely indoors and details the the allowances you have to make to have an indoor cat.
Years ago pretty much our entire nation was under agreement that slavery is ok, child labor is ok, women are lesser than men, smoking cigarettes is cool and awesome, and that it is okay to leave your dog outside his whole life, in a fence or tied on a chain. These were all on we normal views that were shared by the majority. Today we know that these things are unacceptable/bad. People learn, things change, and more and more people are realizing their cats aren't supposed to be running around outside. What is acceptable today by many, will not be tomorrow, because we learn new things and see repercussions of our choices. Just because a lot of people do it or are okay with it, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be questioned, challenged, or changed.
146, Now you're comparing letting cats outside to slavery??? Give me a break. Wow! you've just betrayed how utterly irrational and closed minded you are on this subject. It's not even worth discussing with you anymore.
I had no idea people thoight this way. in what part of the world do you people come from that its not ok to let cats roam around outside? I have 3 well trained cats who can go outside any time they like and have never cause the slightest bit of trouble. whats the problem? seriously tell me. they wont go more than three houses away and I live in a very suburban neighbourhood with no "natural wildlife" apart from pests like rats and pigeons. and they spend 99% of their time lazing about in my yard anyway. why are you so close minded? they arent strays. cats dont just "become" strays. its very easy to train a cat. you feed them and they stay. you keed them inside for the first month and after that they wont go further than 50 metres away from your house. I dont have to set up litter boxes because they bury it in little bundles in my yard. my neighbours love them and if they didnt it wouldnt matter because they dont cause any trouble!
wow I had no idea the US thought this. in australia I have never met anyone who had "indoor cats" I didnt know it was really a thing. it sounds like in the US its socially wrong not to? I still dont understand. theyre not gonna run off and unless you raised them to be awful theyre not gonna hurt anyone. as long as its desexed theyre not gonna get knocked up. unless you live in the forest theyre not gonna be killing any "native wildlife" aside from pigeons which there really is no shortage of. my area is full of free roaming HOUSE (not feral) cats and ive never seen one get in a fight of any kind. theyre just gonna be happy healthy cats who have the same freedom that I have and I can have comfort knowing they dont want to get up and leave becaust they could anytime they want to
everyone talking about ferel cats clearly has no idea. a ferel cat is the offspring of a stray. they grow up with no real contact from humans so live like a wild animal. my cats could NEVER become ferel because ive raised them to be happy little (healthy) blobs who only have to meow for food. theyre so tame theyd die of starvation before catching a possum. and if they did run away or even if I threw them out, there is absolutely no risk of them adding to the ferel cat community because theyve all been desexed. PROBLEM SOLVED
Hmmmm, Gracie if you hadn't already said you lived in England I'd ask if your cat was the one who's been ******** and pissing in my mother's garden. Killing her plants and making it impossible for us to open our basement windows due to the smell. She has spent hundreds of dollars on deterrents and different odor eliminators to deal with the mess someone exactly like you had directly allowed to happen. She has cried over the destruction of her garden which she has spent so much time and money on. We have two cats, they're indoor cats and cost no one but me any money. They are also incredibly content with their lives. Make all the excuses you want but face the fact that your cat could be causing the same kind of distress to someone and they can't find the owner to complain. Whatever makes you feel better.
Hmmmm, Gracie if you hadn't already said you lived in England I'd ask if your cat was the one who's been ******** and pissing in my mother's garden. Killing her plants and making it impossible for us to open our basement windows due to the smell. She has spent hundreds of dollars on deterrents and different odor eliminators to deal with the mess someone exactly like you had directly allowed to happen. She has cried over the destruction of her garden which she has spent so much time and money on. She's tried to talk to the owners, she's called animal control but all they do is speak with the owners as its not a stray. We have two cats, they're indoor cats and cost no one but me any money. They are also incredibly content with their lives. So how is that okay, or fair? Make all the excuses you want but face the fact that your cat could be causing the same kind of distress to someone and they can't find the owner to complain. Whatever makes you feel better.
Actually, Divia, I never said I lived in England. Check my profile. It says my location is the US. Sorry your mom's garden is being destroyed. Has it occurred to your mom to speak to the owner? My neighbors know who I am and who my cat is, I'd imagine they'd tell me if my cat was causing them problems, and if they don't, well that's on them not me.
I deserve a medal for making it through this entire thread.
@162 anywhere I have lived, having your cat as outdoors can get you fined. They are constantly in peoples front and back yards using them as personal litter boxes. I constantly find dead or half dead mauled birds from owned cats and the strays. Dodge the owned and strays while driving. My cats I have had since kittens have always been indoor cats and have always been perfectly happy being indoors. One passed away this winter from cancer at the age of almost 15yrs and my other one is still going strong at 17yrs old. They never were introduced to the indoor/outdoor life, given plently of stimulus indoors so are happy with life indoors. The stray I found a year ago, in horrible condition, I checked for a microchip, checked all the shelters, all the vets, put notices everywhere and spent 3 months actively trying to find her owner before giving up. I have no clue how long she had been outside. But she is now strictly an indoors only cat and is happy with that as well. She makes no attempts to go outside or meows at a door to go out. So this notion that cats have to be outside or need to you not play or interact with your cats indoors?
If you want to let your cat outside, go ahead, but you're risking a lot. My cat was a baby who was dropped off on my street by someone who didn't want to take care of him. He was getting in the street, almost getting hit, and had a possibility of falling off rocks into a nearby stream he played by. Not to mention he was eaten up by fleas, and severely malnourished. Oh, and fleas almost killed him. Sucked him almost dry. If I didn't take him in, and kept him in, he'd be dead. I've had to choke back tears because I've seen dead cats in the middle of the road, with and without collars. Symbolizing some of them were owned by people. My cat tries so hard to get outside, but I'll be damned if I find him dead in the street or sucked dry by fleas. And if you think fleas are no big deal, you're wrong. Yeah, just give your pet a bath, right? Wrong. You let them outside, and chances are you'll have to get rid of fleas all over your house that your indoor-outdoor cat brought in. And will probably keep bringing in. And they definitely can kill your pet, just like the diseases and other animal attacks can.
166, Well, Canada is clearly even more hostile to outdoor cats than the US. Here it's perfectly legal to let your cat outside, although some people frown upon it. 167, I live in a low traffic area and my cat has a healthy fear of cars. It's not likely he'll get run over. Also, I give him monthly topical treatments, which protect him from fleas and other parasites and it works quite well, so parasites aren't a concern either.
Actually, I clearly said she's not only tried but so has animal control. My bad on mistaking your location but you obviously didn't pay much attention to my post besides that. Since that's all you had to say, well, that kinda speaks for itself.
Well, 171, this conversion is getting rather old. Really, that's the only legitimate argument against letting cats outside that I've seen here, and I've seen a lot of them, from people raging about feral cats (which doesn't apply because pet cats aren't feral) to concerns about disease and parasites (they make vaccines and medicines for that, so also not an issue), to fear of cats getting run over by cars (also not a concern unless you live near a busy road). But like I said, my neighbors know who I am and who my cat is. If my cat is causing problems and they don't tell me, then that's their own fault. Has your mom tried putting large rocks on top of the soil of her garden? Not pebbles but tightly packed stones so the cat can't walk between them. I bet that would deter the offending animal from using your mom's garden as a litter box. Just a suggestion. I hope it helps.
How did you only find out now? And better yet, how have they not found out for three years?
Both sides of my "next" door neighbours and I are great friends, but if I go just one more house down, I know nothing about them. Think about it, do you really know who lives in your neighbourhood, let alone if they own a cat?
I know who in my street owns cats and dogs, and a fair few of their names. Around here it's considered normal and sociable. Do neighbours elsewhere never chitchat?!
I don't have close neighbors (the closest person to me being over a mile away) but I know just about everyone in the area. And if someone's cat or dog shows up at my house, I generally do know where it came from. Why would you not know these things?
Hell I live in an apartment and if you ask me the names of the people who live across from me or beside me I wouldn't be able to tell you. I keep to myself and my friends and they do the same. Just because you live near each other doesn't mean you have to pester the other person or force them to talk to you when you move in.
Cat owners are more difficult to detect than dog owners. No one walks their cat around the block on a leash. :P I can recognize many of the people that live in my gated community by face. But other than saying only "hi" and going about my business, I can't say I know them "personally". No clue their name, what they do job wise, if they're married/have kids. Etc...
That kitty planned everything!!!
I agree, it sounds like the cat chose OP as his owner and preferred him to the neighbour. Maybe he preferred the OP's food? Smart kitty.
They obviously didn't care very much if they hadn't noticed that you had their cat.
if OP kept it as an "inside cat" isn't it possible the neighbors wouldn't have been able to notice? or maybe would assume if OP knew it was their cat he/she would have returned it sooner? just a thought.
If OP kept the cat strictly indoors and never had the neighbors over they would never know. Even if the cat sits in the window that doesn't mean the cat is easily visible or identifiable. My neighbors wouldn't be able to describe my cat.
Well you see, when I read things I imagine my house. Our house has a glass door that my cat often laid against, making him distinguishable to anybody paying close enough attention. I am sorry for imagining it in a way that made it possible for the neighbors to identify their cat.
My neighborhood is very creepy. We probably shouldn't leave the main door open, but we do.
So you could say you are a CatNapper?
If you kept it as an inside cat, they may not have noticed. Talk to them about it and see if you can reach an agreement. They may just say you can have it after having it for 3 years.
If OP has had it for a specific amount on time, as well as vet bills, AND posted that a cat was found where neighbors could see. The cat is legally theirs.
How do they not realize you have had it for 3 years, I mean do y'all not talk or something?
some neighborhoods are sketchy...
that's an awkward conversation. at least the kitty was in safe hands and very close.
And ur neighbor never found out ?