By Username - 18/02/2011 09:33

Today, at work, my phone rang. My intern answered it and told me it was a coworker who'd just left. I picked up and said "What's up bitch? What are you going to complain about now?!" It was actually my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 018
You deserved it 44 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You kiss your mother with that mouth? Yea... I bet you do.. you dirty bugger. Anyway, friend or not thats no way to answer a phone at work. Regardless of who is on the other end of the line you could still have someone listening in on the call without you knowing.


fiveonefiveoh 0

y?? a person can't joke with their colleagues?? it's unprofessional to talk that way in front of a client, but in privacy, even owners would talk that way with friends on the job! of course not with their subordinates it's ****** that it turned out to b the boss instead...

s2000lover 0

You kiss your mother with that mouth? Yea... I bet you do.. you dirty bugger. Anyway, friend or not thats no way to answer a phone at work. Regardless of who is on the other end of the line you could still have someone listening in on the call without you knowing.

how can you not know or give a greeting to who you are talking to on the other side of the line before speaking vulgar

gusgus36 5

well. you shouldn't say stuff like that without knowing for sure it's your co-worker. but idk why the intern lied... or maybe they were just confused. hopefully your boss isn't super mad at you and understands that it's s mistake..

funny thing. your intern was probs laughing her ass off

You don't deserve a job talking like that to any other person!

SmallTownCutie 0

Oh gosh. Everyone needs to lighten up. I don't know about anyone else, but almost all of my friends and I talk to each other like this on occasion. If the colleague was her friend, it's just bad luck it was actually her boss. Cursing can be a sign of endearment. My best friend calls be her **** and I call her my bitch. We don't hate each other.