By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 12:09 - Canada

Today, I baked a chicken pot pie in the oven. I pulled it out, and noticed a big piece of tasty-looking, flaky pastry had come loose. Without thinking I ripped it off and popped it into my mouth. I HEARD the skin on the inside of my cheeks burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 458
You deserved it 85 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God, I'm so hungry now. FYL though.

So what does it sound like? Just a general sizzle?


God, I'm so hungry now. FYL though.

FYL?! OP was dumb enough to eat something straight out of the oven. OP, Darwin called, he said YDI

So what does it sound like? Just a general sizzle?

well I say this person is full of shit I am a baker and I have out pastry straight from oven into my mouth and it don't burn in the slightest

claudia8D 0

probably cuz I've done that so many times u have no feeling in ur mouth

emirie 21

He probably couldn't taste anything besides burning flesh

Wash it down with some fava beans and a nice chianti. /obscure?

no, I'd say the most famous line from on of the most memorable horror movies ever made is pretty obscure O.O fail XD

Didn't it feel hot when you picked it up? If it was really that hot, you should have dropped it the instant you picked it up...

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

You would still feel the heat 109

misterasdfjkl 0

what did it sound like??? oh and #3, i think the tongue was burnt too...

Ouch. Jeeze dude, have some patience.

But it's like pizza rolls fresh from the microwave, you just can't resist it xD

lexi050 0
badluckalex 23

the inside of pizza rolls is LAVA but you have to eat it while they are hot!

you're an idiot. what temp did you bake the pie at? 350F? so it's that hot when it comes out and you pop some of the pastry into your mouth without letting it cool? YDI

No big deal. "Pizza mouth" is the half-joking term used by docs and dentists to refer to burns on the cheek and palate. It's nothing major; cell regeneration and replacement in the mouth is fast, so you'll heal up quickly. Just hope you learned a little patience from this.

Julesev 0

8, I think they probably figured that one out. I think everyone's burned the crap out of their mouths at some point OP :)

coolster56 0