By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 18:45 - United States

Today, my roommate showed me that her pepper spray had expired, so I decided to test it on myself. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 284
You deserved it 79 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

dumbass nice job spraying yourself.

karmennn 0

that was stupid. ydi for spraying yourself with pepper spray...expired or not


BubblesandSushi 0

Why didn't you just spray it on something else. Haha

rwq891 4

Hey dumbass, do you do parties. I have to book you for my next party. I have a list of stuff you can do.

DerpyHooves 0

Keyword: expired She didn't say it was empty and/or broken. YDI for being an idiot :D

oh look! OP actually feels embarrassed at him/herself and thumb downed our comments! that explains all the -1 lol

Chrispayne 4

What a rere. Too bad it wasnt expired bullets. Rid the world of a dumba$$

the real FML here is that you are too stupid to function in society and you should be kept away from all people and things. Please do not breed.

porterc16 0