Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

By Anonymous - 09/02/2017 15:00 - United States - Stevenson Ranch

Today, after pranking my roommate several times by putting lube in his hand sanitizer bottle, he got me back by putting sanitizer in my lube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 777
You deserved it 12 067

Same thing different taste

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lilchica22001 22

Ouch! I bet that burnt your pee pee hole. What did we learn? Hmmm? lol


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lilchica22001 22

Ouch! I bet that burnt your pee pee hole. What did we learn? Hmmm? lol

So totally unrelated but your hair is gorgeous

lilchica22001 22

Thank you :) you are so sweet! It's my 3 absolute favorite colors. Blue, purple and pink. Took forever at the salon but totally worth it!

cootiequeen4444 11

"you know when to hold them, you know when to fold them". He did not fold. I would now if I were you though. He don't play. And now you know~

cootiequeen4444 11

RE-DO 'cause I mistyped dammit. 1 point if you find the difference "you know when to hold them, you know when to fold them". He didn't fold them. I would now if I were you though. He don't play. And now you know~

A burn for a burn, baby. That's in the Bible.-- Hooch.