By roommateprobssss:( - 11/12/2012 15:57 - United States

Today, my roommate pressed "snooze" on his alarm 14 times. I counted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 274
You deserved it 2 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You should've poured ice water on him. Cliché, but effective.


How the hell if that **** your life!? That is TGIAI! AKA that guy is an idiot.

JoeGrant 12

At least you didn't wake up at 10:30 after originally waking up at 6:30, causing you to miss your exam.

I tend to set my alarms hours ahead of when i need to be up, cause i tend to sit there looking like a zombie. Luckily no one has ever seen me sitting up, but not moving or opening my eyes for 30+ minutes at a time. :D

My fiancé does this too. You get used to it eventually.

jdime209 2

Just turn it off next time and go back to sleep

Arod62694_fml_fml 1

Ain't nobody got time for that!

jarockstar27 10

Sounds like my roommate.....its like "GET UP!!!" and after i said that to her she stopped doing it. Maybe you should try it....

I feel your pain. My freshman year roommate did this every. Freaking. Day. For the entire year. Best part, she didn't actually wake up when her alarm started going off, I had to yell at her, throw something at her face, or get up and turn the damn thing off myself. I flipped out on her at least 10 times and went to the RA but it didn't stop. What finally worked was the day I set my alarm to the most annoying beeping and turned the volume up as loud as it goes, set it for 5am, and snoozed until 11:30. Ruined my morning, but it was a win. She never mentioned it or did it again. Just a tip :)