By fckdorms - 09/05/2016 14:04 - United States - Columbia

Today, like every other day, my roommate's alarm began to go off at 7:30am. What time does she have to wake up? 10:00am. Why does she have her alarm go off for two and a half hours? Because last semester she needed it to go off then and she is too lazy to change it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 332
You deserved it 1 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take room mates alarm set it for 11am see how long it then takes them to set it correctly

Too lazy to set the alarm later? This is a paradox


Too lazy to set the alarm later? This is a paradox

OptimusSlime 23

It's only been happening to me for the past few days since our schedules changed, but my husband's alarm went off this morning at 6 when he had to be up at 10. I apparently fell asleep on the couch, but the bedroom door was open and that damn alarm went off every hour for four hours. It takes me FOREVER to fall asleep so it would go off again just as I managed to drift off. Personally, if it happens again, I intend to just unplug the damn thing.

Because you couldn't have gone in and changed it for him? Four hours, and you did nothing. Your problem at that point.

I'm pretty sure her husbands not a child and should set the alarm right the first time, or shut it off if he doesn't want it. It's meant for him to hear not everyone else.

Or you're all right, and OP's husband should change the alarm because it is set for him, but 3 also should have done something more active about the alarm, like waking her husband up and asking him to fix it. And then if he doesn't, retribution is fair play.

What? I don't get this joke, I've seen it a few times in different circumstances...

Is this going to be your running joke in every FML?

take room mates alarm set it for 11am see how long it then takes them to set it correctly

Wow that sucks, hope she sorts it out soon.

Just break her clock when she isn't around. Then she'll have to get a new one and set it correctly.

Set your own really loud for early in the morning, like 5 am. Then, wear earplugs as you sleep. Revenge, plain and simple.

If it really bothered you that much you could just change it..