By roommateprobssss:( - 11/12/2012 15:57 - United States

Today, my roommate pressed "snooze" on his alarm 14 times. I counted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 274
You deserved it 2 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You should've poured ice water on him. Cliché, but effective.


I had two roommates in college who use to do this on the only two days i didn't have class or work earlier than they they did. They would set it for 7:30am and not get up till 10 minutes to class time for them. Imagine two alarms going off, one every 5 minutes and the other every 7 minutes. My best solution was to leave the room and get up two hour before my alarm was going to go off. Let them deal with my alarm since i wasn't there. After they confronted me about my alarm going off while i wasn't there i told them about their nasty little habit of hitting snooze. They stopped hitting snooze as much and i never left my alarm on while i wasn't there. Another solution is to tell them to put their clock across the room on a dresser so they have to get up and turn it off.

The_Water_Ninja 9

Someone must not want to get up..

Good for you for counting. I would have turned it off.

Sometimes people, myself included, find its easier to wake up when they get a slow wake up. I will set an alarm 30 minutes before I need to be up. Then another alarm 15 minutes before. Then 5 minutes before. If I don't I will 6 times out of 10 not hear my alarm clock. I have never had any complaints for that so far.

krs7g4 8

At least your roommate wakes up. My brother can sleep through the sound for up to 8 minutes.

A few days ago my flatmate managed to sleep through it around 15 minutes, no kidding. And it was a loud one, too. I finally entered his room to check on him because I thought that maybe he wasn't there or he's unconscious or whatever - nope, just sleeping. Good thing is, he usually wakes up late in the morning, when I'm already on my feet for some time, but it's still annoying when I try to study for the exams.

I do that, too. If I even wake up to that sound. My boyfriend usually wakes me up then, because he gets annoyed.

My roommate used to do this in college, two hours before I had to wake up, 4 days a week. It made me hate her for the rest of the year. I talked to her about it and nothing happened. Then when I realized she didn't care, I started cursing every time she hit snooze, or setting my alarm to just after her first one and leaving the room so she got stuck listening to my alarm while I got dressed. She eventually got the message.

KalCountry76 12

Now that's what I call procrastination.

Capt_Oblivious 10

With the average 'snooze' time between alarms is 9 minutes, that reaches over two hours. I personally would have used the alarm clock and 'snoozed' him on the head within the first hour, but that's just me.