By Kat - 08/11/2008 07:51 - France

Today, everyone thought that I was the one who farted in the lift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 423
You deserved it 5 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

Lol assuming your never going to see these people again you should have yelled out "Okay guys you got me, it was really a queef!!!"

That's not entirely true. The person who actually did doesn't think so.


not one of these comments were liked, I checked :0

iFizzgig 11

Except for the person who actually farted, they knew.

xMooMoox 0

Lol assuming your never going to see these people again you should have yelled out "Okay guys you got me, it was really a queef!!!"

That's not entirely true. The person who actually did doesn't think so.

Omg I can't reel if Helsinki male or female either

Ok that was a horrible spelling fail (I'm on my iPod btw so it autocorrected to those things) I'm gonna terror my comment now, "Ya, I can't tell if he's male or female either."

That, and "whoever smelt it, dealt it"

omg my sister used 2 always fart and blame it on me... i would start crying and my parents would be like 'its not a shame to fart"

Ha, "lift", that you sweep with a "brush" after "tea"... aside from being British, that sucks.

#6 is a douche bag, not just British people say "lift" and i bet you he doesn't say "brush"

WearingHats 14

#6 you are aware that the op is from France...


If 'thedecider' ever looks at this thread again, someone should remind him that after he's finished sucking off his Dad that he should go look up "English Language"... He might just find that it was written by Brits and that there is a U in Colour and that it's spelt AND pronounced Aluminium, not alooominum.

bsaucedo 0
