By roommateprobssss:( - 11/12/2012 15:57 - United States

Today, my roommate pressed "snooze" on his alarm 14 times. I counted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 274
You deserved it 2 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You should've poured ice water on him. Cliché, but effective.


carminecris89 13

I did that once though I think it was more like 8 times. My roommate gave me the silent treatment for a week.

Ok if it annoys you that much then I won't do it again. Jeesh!

takeitandrun 13

I'll admit, I'm actually worse than that. My alarms(multiple) can go off for 2 or more hours straight, never even waking up enough to hit the snooze, before I'll wake up. I even has an alarm that flashes bright enough to light up the entire room and shakes my pillow. That is why I'll never be able to have a roommate or live in an apartment - someone would want to murder me pretty quick. Sorry your roommate is inconsiderate but why didn't you just wake him up once you noticed?

hateevryone 14

You should've woke him up after the third time.

sounds like me and my husband only instead of one alarm we have 3

My old roommate used to do this. I begged, threatened and even bribed him once, no avail. You know what worked? Putting a mouse trap on the snooze button :D it never happened again.