By luckycharmed - 17/06/2014 17:34 - United States
Same thing different taste
By CB - 19/11/2009 01:30 - New Zealand
By Katt - 25/04/2016 18:04 - United States - Columbia
By Chip - 21/04/2009 10:51 - Australia
By tikizombie - 30/08/2010 20:10 - Canada
By Anonymous - 13/05/2019 12:00
By Scaredwitless - 28/01/2011 04:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/10/2012 23:19 - United States - Topeka
By Dude_Stop - 27/03/2017 18:00
By sstahpp - 20/08/2015 21:24 - South Africa - Pretoria
By imatotalloser - 28/07/2017 05:00
Top comments
This is one of the cases I think suing is warranted. Creating a tripping hazard is not a prank. He's lucky it wasn't more serious.
I bet the prankster cant afford a lawyer. Poor OP.
Yeah, I'm generally not one for jumping to litigation, but if the prankster is unwilling to pay for this really stupidly planned prank, OP should speak to a lawyer. Roommate took reckless action and it resulted in injury and financial loss (fixing said teeth). Good luck, OP.
37 is referring to OP's roommate. The FML said "he", which is a masculine pronoun, so it's a pretty safe assumption the prankster is a he. 37 was just correcting the usage of "her" by #2.
exactly! It says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! In this case for the pain and suffering of first such a juvenile stunt second the ignorance of a so-called friend not willing to pay for that ignorance..... you need to make sure your friend loses at least 3. people shouldn't do unto others what they don't want done to themselves, remind him of that as he's picking his teeth, plural remember, teeth off the floor lol
I agree with #56, give him a timeframe to pay for the dental bill. If he refuses, I can see a accidental baseball bat impacting his teeth.
@47. read the first sentence. it says HE taped not she.
It's like this OP, your roommate made a stupid decision to prank you that had unforseen consequences. Now you can make a big stink over it and sue them which will cost you thousands in legal bills and probably never get the money. Does your roommate deserve to pay for your dental bills? Yes. Will they? Likely not. At least not all at once. Instead of wasting time agonizing over the money and dragging it into court, try a payment plan where your roommate can slowly pay for your care.
If the court serves him he will be forced to.
If he is taken to small claims court and has a judgment rendered against him, they can garnish his wages until the judgment is repaid.
It very clearly says he not she. So i would say douche not bitch.
I don't know about you, but plenty of guys that I know can definitely be described as bitches.
lmao. Too many to count hahaha
Payback should be used !!!And record it for youtube get money from advertising buy dental bills and everyone is happy
Mostly everyone, because I highly doubt OP's roommate would be happy...
Never know might be grateful he/she does not have topay the bill
I do believe you are smart enough to know what i meant.Maybe im wrong i dont know you ?
Kick him in the nuts and tell him it was "a prank".
You can't replace a tooth if you don't have the money.
Kicked nuts, lost tooth..., I'd say it's a fair trade.
She can still sue him, if she wins which in all probability she will. The judgment is good for up to five years depending on which state she is in. Again depending on what state, it may give her the ability to garnish his wages, and force him to sell personal property. He would be so much better off to admit he ****** up and pay the bill, garnishment can show up on your credit report and follow you for years.
Wow, it's a wonder you weren't hurt even more seriously than you were. I'd get a new roommate if I were you.
This is assault, joke or not. Tell him he will either pay your dental bills or you will press charges and the court will take it from his paychecks as restitution.
This is not at all CLOSE to assault. Assault is a criminal charge. This is a civil matter. Best course of action is to sue for restitution.
78, what the hell are you talking about? A verbal threat isn't necessary for something to be called assault. The fact that you think so is somewhat alarming.
I believe this actually falls under a booby trapping statute... I bet its a felony without me actually looking it up...
I think because this is a civil case it's not worth your time at all. It would take probably 3 years to even come to a solution.
File the paperwork, then apply on Judge Judy, Peoples Court, and the rest of the judge shows. See who picks it up first and get a free all expenses trip to NY or LA.
Dental work, vacation, and payback all (relatively) free.
do you even lift?? go eat something god damnn

This is one of the cases I think suing is warranted. Creating a tripping hazard is not a prank. He's lucky it wasn't more serious.
A tooth for a tooth, prank her back OP