By the lannisters send their retards - 17/06/2014 20:30 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my coworker was telling me about his mom, when he asked about mine. I told him that I've never met my mom, because she died during my childbirth. It's a very painful subject for me, but all the same, my coworkers have decided they'll now only address me as "Tyrion". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 333
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShittingHicks 4

Shoot those ******* with a crossbow.

dyehardxen 19

It's okay, #2, you're not the only one who didn't catch the reference. Game of thrones never looked appealing to me, so I never watched it.


ShittingHicks 4

Shoot those ******* with a crossbow.

The Lannisters will send his coworkers their regards

AurumPotestasEst 16

*Jaime Lannister sends his regards.

I agree! This is it painful subject for this woman and now they ridicule her! They definitely need to be shot with a crossbow. total of 5 arrows, start with the arms, move to each leg, and the last one, right in the head! I can't believe people would do that to her over something like this. Keep ur chin up hun n remember, it's not your fault stupid people bred morons like those!

They need to be shot with a crossbow WHILE they're on the toilet.

CatcherQueen 15

Promise to not kill them if they shut up about it. A Lannister always repays their debts.

AurumPotestasEst 16

"Jaime Lannister sends his regards," is the actual quote from the books.

If they are a guy... Both I the heads

KhaleesiDannie 26

I think they're referring to the game of thrones character

dyehardxen 19

It's okay, #2, you're not the only one who didn't catch the reference. Game of thrones never looked appealing to me, so I never watched it.

Respect101 17

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Show it anyway

@23 - I call it socially acceptable ****. Snore.

@23 what kind of freaky **** do you watch?! O.o

I think that's a question better left unasked.

Respect101 17

Didn't mean it as a porno porno, just has a bunch of sex and violence I didn't mean the sex was violent... geez..

The books were good. If you're not okay with watching sex and violence, you could try reading about it instead. You see surprisingly few people naked when you're reading.

38# ur the person who has a fear of holding babies ! YOU TRULY INSPIRE ME

Sorry OP people are dicks. Take it to HR.

People can also be ******* and assholes.

You just summed up every season of Game of Thrones.

I'm a Game of Thrones fan and that's rude as hell. Sorry OP.

Kobilar 10

What does being a game of thrones fan have to do with this?

Put lego in the inside of their shoes, I know thats the worst torture imaginable but I think its necessary.Sorry OP

That's really insensitive! You need to tell them that calling you that makes you feel uncomfortable.

jad0016 12

Wow just wow. I'm sorry OP some people have no consideration of other people's feelings

killthedead 13

Time to start ******* the lady co-workers. Afterall you have to live up to the name.