By not even - 21/07/2016 11:20 - United States - Troy

Today, my pregnant wife suggested we have fun tonight since we haven't had sex in 3 months. She also said we'll be having waffles and sausage. I'm actually more excited about the food than the sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 652
You deserved it 2 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe "waffles and sausage" is an innuendo and there really is no food involved.

dietcoke09 25

Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing and changes both parents! Hopefully you get both sex and food tonight. Even though I'm sure a mix of both would be great for you guys.


See, the part I don't understand is how you can be excited for sausages. Those things are disgusting.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

I whole heartedly agree on them being disgusting but I understand that others might actually like something I don't you should try to comprehend this sometime.

#1 sausage haters like you are ruining the world :(

opinions are like assholes, everyone has them

Maybe "waffles and sausage" is an innuendo and there really is no food involved.

As a pregnant woman, I can say we do not **** around with food. We say we're eating waffles and sausage then, god damn it, we're having waffles and sausage. You wanted pancakes? TOO BAD.

The only "innuendo" I can think for waffles is blue waffle. And that would probably leave OP wanting neither the sex nor the food.

or maybe the food will be involved too if you know what I mean

Well the amount of spicing up you can do is more limited, but perhaps look up opinions online? See safe positions, maybe bring edible things in?

By options online do you mean cheating?

I'm pretty sure sex is safe during oregnancy, regardless of position. Searching "safe positions" would be a waste of time .

anlong93 9

22... Opinions. It says opinions.

#28 is right, more or less; as long as you don't do anything crazy, pretty much any sex position is safe during pregnancy. The real question is which positions are comfortable, and the only way to figure that one out is by asking the wifey and experimenting.

Being pregnant doesn't make you an invalid.

dietcoke09 25

Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing and changes both parents! Hopefully you get both sex and food tonight. Even though I'm sure a mix of both would be great for you guys.

readingrachel 9

Maybe incorporate the waffles and sausages into your sex. Then it'll be fun for everyone.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who would look forward to the waffles and sausage. Also because I have a new waffle maker.

Food is great. Sex is great. Everything is great. Seems like a great night to me.

did you mix them (can't believe I'm asking been on the Internet too long sorry)