Shut-in for the win

By Laura - 14/03/2022 05:36 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, a woman tried to break into my home, assaulted my housemate and carer, because our nasty neighbour is spreading rumors that we are reporting the whole street to the council. We are both shut-ins, we don't know anyone, all cause we own dogs but they sleep a lot due to ill health, so WTF? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 376
You deserved it 193

Laura-Marie Catmom tells us more.

Op here we did report her but the police are useless.

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The nieghbour dislikes us because we are both women living together that he can't boss round, he comes off very control kept barking orders at us over the fence to do certain things to the property which at first we did to keep the peace. However when my leg broke very badly he started asking nurses coming to see me private medical info and the police had to get involved to tell him to back off. As revenge he started a rumor mill, the woman who attacked us said he was why she was there. Unfortunately it's a village so they trust a old timer born there over us even though we have cctv and police evidence.


Op here we did report her but the police are useless.

The nieghbour dislikes us because we are both women living together that he can't boss round, he comes off very control kept barking orders at us over the fence to do certain things to the property which at first we did to keep the peace. However when my leg broke very badly he started asking nurses coming to see me private medical info and the police had to get involved to tell him to back off. As revenge he started a rumor mill, the woman who attacked us said he was why she was there. Unfortunately it's a village so they trust a old timer born there over us even though we have cctv and police evidence.