By human torch - 18/03/2010 15:22 - United States

Today, my physics teacher accidentally lit me on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 441
You deserved it 49

Top comments


getsthegirls 4

now u know she's got the hits for u

I call bullshit. Physics teachers don't teach with fire. Chemistry, yes. Physics, no. Get a life and stop making up fake FMLs.

I know right? "Liar Liar..Pants On Fire.."

purplemnm 9

liar liar plants for hire...geez you idiots and that's Justin your pic...-.-

cheap123 0

Every time you call my name, I heat up like a burnin' flame, Now that's a good song. Only thing is it's not really about fire, but whatever it fits.

nkklllll 4

Abracadabra by Sugar Ray right? great song and OP, that sucks balls. but also funny as shit

cheap123 0

Steve Miller Band originally wrote it in the '80's. Look it up, I think it's better than Sugar Ray's version. But good either way.

purplemnm 9

The Human Torch was denied a bank loan.

JEEP67 0

be grateful he didn't try to put the fire out with liquid nitrogen

amazingjane 0

on a positive note, he kinda has to give you an "A", right? I mean, HE SET U ON FIRE!!!!

these r good fmls. I hate the ones tht r five paragraphs and don't make sense. just make it short and to the point