Boozing on the job

By paulcorrea95 - 21/09/2019 06:07 - United States

Today, I was at work, cleaning up a construction site. I picked up a beer can and accidentally spilled some of it on me. My boss came in to check on me and thought I was drunk. Instead of getting a raise, I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 801
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViviMage 39

I'd fight that with a Breathalyzer test. You can prove you're sober. Also be careful what you pick up. It can have the wrong connotations.

Deadinsidelivelyoutside 9

Seems like your boss was looking for an excuse to fire you :( and a breathalyser wouldn't save you unless you had it right there and then


Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18
ViviMage 39

I'd fight that with a Breathalyzer test. You can prove you're sober. Also be careful what you pick up. It can have the wrong connotations.

WeirdUS 29

That only works for 24hrs and even a piss test or a blood test he's passed the point. Piss test if they do it in the 3-5 days blood test 2 days. I'm guessing he's past the point of proving he's past the point because he luckily would've had enough time if he was to pass it out of his system. That's if it is debatable, but a smell that strong you didn't any speed stick in your truck /car or in you bag in case you see your SO right after work?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

you should get a job as a cleaner, it isn't your job to pick other peoples mess

Deadinsidelivelyoutside 9

Seems like your boss was looking for an excuse to fire you :( and a breathalyser wouldn't save you unless you had it right there and then