Stress test

By haramara - 25/05/2021 17:01

Today, while driving on the streets for the first time, my mom decided that it would be an appropriate time to yell at me for every single mistake I’ve ever made in my life. This stressed me out so much I began driving against traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 024
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though it really sucks your mom did that, it's more important to make sure you're in the right lane, it's not just your life at risk.

Probably time to do practice runs solo. You're better off doing so before your mom ends up getting both of you hurt or, God forbid, killed. She also needs to understand yelling at someone for mistakes doesn't help you learn. It makes it worse which is similar to a parent using corporal punishment. It's useless.


Probably time to do practice runs solo. You're better off doing so before your mom ends up getting both of you hurt or, God forbid, killed. She also needs to understand yelling at someone for mistakes doesn't help you learn. It makes it worse which is similar to a parent using corporal punishment. It's useless.

Even though it really sucks your mom did that, it's more important to make sure you're in the right lane, it's not just your life at risk.

It’s really hard to teach your son or daughter to drive. We aren’t all as patient or as good a driver as a teacher should be. On top of that, the parent child relationship can get in the way of the learner asking the questions they need to or the teacher providing the necessary feedback without coming off as a parent instead of as teacher. I took drivers Ed at my high school. I paid for driving lessons for my son and my daughter - It was well worth the money! Regardless of what else Is going on, it is imperative that you stay in the correct lane and execute turns safely. I understand you got rattled by the experience, but you could have wound up dead or caused a serious accident - That is what is important. See if you cannot get a professional driving instructor to give you some lessons. It doesn’t sound like Mom is up to the task and you need professional instruction. Don’t give up - Driving is an important life skill!

thatslifeiguess7 16

My parents were crazy and yet I'd rather have them back again then almost every single parent on here. I learned how to drive holding my dad up and it was a stick shift. STILL less 😨 scary than this mom

xxlk4xx 6

when I was learning to drive I couldn't do it if someone was yelling at me, I did eventually save up for drivers ed and it helped me a lot especially with my anxiety ( I still have it but it's finally getting better now that I've been driving for 2 years)

next time, don't make mistakes when you drive. YDI.