By AndI'veHadChildren - 10/10/2017 17:15 - United States

Today, I was passing a kidney stone. I had to go to the ER but had no one to take me, so I drove myself. They made me wait 3 hours because it was suspicious that someone in "so much pain" could drive. It was the largest stone that doctor had seen in his career. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 626
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

D_D 11

Can you report that? If so, please do.

They probably thought you were just going to sell whatever they gave you on the street. Kids go crazy for urine retention medicine and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy…


D_D 11

Can you report that? If so, please do.

They probably thought you were just going to sell whatever they gave you on the street. Kids go crazy for urine retention medicine and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy…

Doctors never believe women when we say we're in pain.

Stealthninjaa 19

When a post begins with "Today I was passing a kidney stone..." say no more, FYL indeed.

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talaswolf 20

It clearly shows the open is a woman and even the name shows they are a woman.

I have never noticed the male/female shape before. And I dint know women could pass kidney stones. Alway was told the pain from passing a kidney stone for a man was to equal the pain of a women giving birth.

why wouldn't you call an ambulance to take you???

joeyl2008 29

Then OP must not have health insurance because of the 3 or 4 times myself or my daughter rode in one it sure as hell didn't cost that much.

ProperPengTing 15

Next time: Passing a stone to help or passing away? You choose.

chessu 21

Taxi? Uber? Bus? I mean I assume these were not available because surely anything would've been better to drive on your own?

Yeah, I'm going to assume that a person in this level of pain, if she had any other options, she would have taken them.

Unfortunately it's pretty common for women's pain to be disregarded in hospitals :( I'm sorry you had to go through that! Hope you feel better soon

So? What's worse, having a child or having a huge kidney stone? I'm dying to know because I've had a huge kidney stone before.