Grandpa's got game

By Anonymous - 01/02/2017 20:00 - United States - Warren

Today, I tried out the high-tech eliptical at my gym. The 70-year-old man next to me who was also using one went faster and longer than I did, and unlike me didn't stop for a break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 183
You deserved it 1 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cootiequeen4444 11

On the flipside, I bet that boosted the 70 year old man's mood! "Today, I went on that new fangled walking machine at the locally gym. I went faster AND for a longer duration than the whippersnapper next to me! Didn't stop to dilly dally either ! Ain't that just dandy!" (last sentence translates loosely to "**** yeah!" in oldmanese).

RusticChick 27

If you're new to the gym, give it time. You'll be there in no time. Stay confident, OP!


RusticChick 27

If you're new to the gym, give it time. You'll be there in no time. Stay confident, OP!

cootiequeen4444 11

On the flipside, I bet that boosted the 70 year old man's mood! "Today, I went on that new fangled walking machine at the locally gym. I went faster AND for a longer duration than the whippersnapper next to me! Didn't stop to dilly dally either ! Ain't that just dandy!" (last sentence translates loosely to "**** yeah!" in oldmanese).

don't look him in the eyes. he might tell you how much better he was in his younger days.

PinkHairandInk 19
cheshireau 26

First rule of going to the Gym, don't compare your self to the other clients. If we all focused on others instead of our own work out, we'd get nothing done and lose a chunk of self esteem

Don't those things have resistance settings?

Like the Goodlife Gym slogan says here in Canada..."Best yourself". Don't worry about the person next to you. Concentrate on your gains. Your growth. Keep going to the Gym OP. It will ALL get better.