By Ahhwtf - 18/08/2009 11:47 - United States

Today, my nose was itchy. As I reached towards it to itch it, I sneezed ridiculously hard. I punched myself in the eye and now it's all purple and puffy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 725
You deserved it 9 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Violet_Illuser 0

Ouch... This is why I turn my face away from everything, including myself, when I sneeze.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

Honestly, that really just sucks and I hope you feel better, but I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Sorry OP.


ditzykayla 0

Well usually when you sneeze your head goes down, so I'm guessing that when he attempted to scratch his nose his head went down, resulting in the puffy eye. Wow that must have been a huge sneeze o.O

iluvtwilight 0

OMFG that's SOOO hilarious!!! thanks for making my day :-D

YDI for trying to "itch" it. *thumbs up*

sedthsret 0

it ******* bothers me when people say "itch" when they mean "scratch", YDI, b/c u bothered me.

I agree with the people talking about your grammer issues, but either way I found it hilarious that you punched yourself while sneezing.

You shouldn't be talking about "grammer" issues when you can't even spell "grammar." Go back to school.

rafaelaugusto94 0

hahaha... number 75 it right .... sorry b/c of my grammar my english its a little rusty

Twin_Uzis 0

If your nose itched, why make the itch worse? Why not scratch it instead?

upyoursmo 0

you deserved it, just for saying "itch it." you can't ITCH something. it's not a verb. you SCRATCH something because it's ITCHY. get your grammar right.

lolredranger 0

to everyone saying 'to itch' is not a verb, i'd suggest you look it up. if you're too lazy, here's what the dictionary has to say: "3. Informal. to scratch a part that itches." it's a valid form of speech. deal with it.

So is "bootylicious", but it's still not proper, respectable English. So many people made a vocabulary mistake, so it just got added as "informal". We still have reason to look down upon the use of it.

fili450r 0

omg, thank you so very much, this just absolutely made my day...sorry that does suck, i have rolled over and had my hand there and poked myself in the eye multiple i know where your coming from, but that totaly just made my day.

Night22_fml 4

Makes me think of the spongebob episode when the gets the black eye from toothpaste