By abby0019 - 13/03/2010 00:08 - France

Today, my new neighbours came over to introduce themselves. I open the door to see my ex-husband, with a horrified look on his face, and his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 430
You deserved it 2 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

At least it wasn't your husband's lover? =) That would have been AWWWKWWWAAAARRRRD.

HamsteronA 0

lol. stuck with eachother for another while


dudeitsdanny 9

At least it wasn't your husband's lover? =) That would have been AWWWKWWWAAAARRRRD.

itz_towelie 6

as awkward as having sex with a rhinocoris who doesn't even love you anymore

blaaaaakely 0

don't see how a rhinoceros would love you to start with :/

itz_towelie 6

well it was a family guy reference, but apparently fml people either dont like family guy or dont watch it :/ my bad

well I know that, but it's has to be able to work irl, this doesnt

blaaaaakely 0

I realize I was a bit harsh, but Family Guy isn't funny anymore. The clips arent funny, are totally irrelevent, and interchangeable. Now the writers rely solely on shock value. On a similar note, Seth McFarlane keeps making the sane ******* show over and over again and everyone EATS it the **** UP. Every time. Nice advice dog, btw.

itz_towelie 6

i no its not that funny anymore, but the rhino scenes just one of my favorites.

Blue_Coconuts 7

I was never a huge Family Guy fan, but after that South Park episode, I just cant sit through an episode without thinking of the South Park "version" of Family Guy... Plus the show is just getting lame, Stewie went from a funny talking evil genius baby to a little ****, it's just not funny anymore.

itz_towelie 6

ya i dont no who thought turning stewie gay was a good idea... south park is better

Family guy definitely isn't that clever anymore, but there are some scenes that give me a chuckle. Like when Brian takes Quagmire out for dinner, and Quagmire just trashes Brian's ass, that was funny because most of it was true. I'm not really a big fan of stewie anymore since he stopped saying "What the deuce" and quit his plan for world domination.

south park is far better, ftw, not only do they have shock value, they have a good environment (younger kids talkin sh*t)

love that show, saw that episode a couple days ago :)

blaaaaakely 0

yeah, South Park pwned Family Guy. they really nailed that episode.

itz_towelie 6

south park needs a new towelie episode

Dont_Explain 3

*ignores 53* Personally I LOVE seasons 1-5 of Family guy, but I cant stand it now. I've never enjoyed south park, IMO it's basically <SWEAR WORD> and THAT is the joke. there isn't wit or anything... feel free to prove me wrong

Blue_Coconuts 7

The South Park creators are actually pretty smart, and if you watch their shows they usually try to have an underlying message in the show to make fun of how silly something is. They keep it hidden behind the foul language, and potty humor, etc etc, but it's almost always there. It's often pushed to the extreme, but it shows how stupid something is more often than not.

xlossofmex 0

If you can't see the cleverness at how South Park makes their jokes (ie: it isn't the cursing) you're not wathong past season one. South Park is hilarious and clever. Go watch the Lord of the Rings episode and you will laugh your ass off.

lol why r u guys all talking about family guy, lol, it's completely random, and by personal choice I hate the new familly guys and just dislike southpark all togather

Family Guy is past it's prime. And people who randomly quote it are as annoying as ****. South Park has plateued in the past few seasons and it's pretty good. Both of the shows sucked when they first premeired though.

livluvlaff8 0

I agree with 70 I like the Simpson (an old classic)

What about the Simpsons guys? That's still a good show. Right? Right?

hey why talk about family guy and south park.....BUT NO ROBOT CHICKEN????

Robot Chicken=Good Simpsons expired in 2002

GeoThermalSleuth 0

So ... Does anyone still watch Full House?

thoughtcrimeno1 0

south park wins cos they had mecha-Robert Smith defeat Barbara Streissand. And Disintegration is the best Cure album after all, right after The Head on the Door.

Get your south park family guy shit off this thread. no one cares. @OP: Aren't you supposed to research your neighbors BEFORE you move into a house? Lack of foresight like that shows me you were probably best off divorcing him. FYL, hope things work out.

court3love 0

no one ever watched full house

all this family guy, south park and simpson shit, is no one looking forward to season 7 futurama :D??

I am, other than the simpsons it's the best.

Peacemaker9 7

itz_towlie why would you make an entire comment page on a war about which cartoons are good?!?!?!?!!?? and robot chicken is great!! love....................CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

misspersiangulf 0

futurama = yes. simpsons = yes. full house = YES. south park = NONONO. and i actually believe that family guy got much better than how it started. the only thing that's complete bull is how cleveland got a spinoff.

wow! stewie is gay now? I guess I've got alotta catching up to do.

HamsteronA 0

lol. stuck with eachother for another while

bebz_fml 0

How could your ex husband not know where you live?

FYLDeep 25

You must make them a sandwich now. You can pick where, in the bed or in the kitchen.

toddin 7

Sounds like there are some awkward block parties in your future. :)

sohigh10 34

pff sandwiches? They're in France, I'd expect a baguette or a honhonhon croissant at least

dudeitsdanny 9

The spelling reminded me of Barbie Girl, 'cause it reminded me of Aqua.

rachness 0

I had to do a jazz dance to that song when I was like 7. listen to it about 15 times in a row, and the song will loose most of its luster. trust me I know, I used to love that song, now every time I hear it I have a little baby barf. Not fun.

blaaaaakely 0

@14. I'm wondering, and maybe this is just inane bantering, how the deuce can you both enjoy that song and be a grammar Nazi in post 10?

dudeitsdanny 9

#10 was a complete retard in spelling that word. Or failing to spell it. But who doesn't love to sing along to stupid songs? =D These aren't stupid songs, but my choice for Caraoke tends to be a selection from Pokemon songs =D

The dichotomy of personality interests me is all. People that are grammar Nazis usually understand what it is a person is trying to say, just wants to point out that they are doing it wrong. Lovers of ridiculous music are usually a bit more visceral.

dudeitsdanny 9

Dude, it's a play on words. Car+karaoke=Caraoke Now feel free to put the helmet back on.

dudeitsdanny 9

Hmm... Disregard the helmet thing.. That's my insomnia talking.

garrettjordan 0

snickerdoodles no one would ever undress you

I say "an" FML too because when you pronounce the letters, it starts with a vowel sound. What determines whether you use "a" or "an" is the sound, not the letter. Like you say "an hour" because it starts with a vowel sound even though the first letter is a consonant.

dudeitsdanny 9

^^^^ That IS the correct way to say it. Unless you try to pronounce FML like.. "FUHMUHLAH"

rahusband 0

Family guy is still awesome. Everybody else is just agreeing cause blaaaakely is hot lol and south parks good too just not as good

Fangsnuzzles 8

Hypocrite. You just spelled karaoke wrong.

heartlessagony 0

Wow, the odds of that are quite slim. FYL

ohrlynow 9

Neighbors still do that? I didn't see my new neighbors until two weeks after they moved in, when the mother walked outside with her robe open and nothing on underneath, with her flock of equally nekkid children scurrying after her. FYL, OP. Hopefully you all won't see much of each other (seriously).

I tried to invite my new neighbours for coffee when I moved into my appartment, but nobody showed up. But I guess it depends on the kind of neighbourhood you live in.

kk2krazee 0

You know you stalked him, so don't try to play it off as a coincidence.