By neverleavingthehouseagain - 08/12/2015 23:08 - United Kingdom - Epsom

Today, my ex, for whom I still have feelings, introduced me to his new girlfriend. To make things "less awkward," he invited a mutual friend of ours. However, the last time I'd seen this friend, it was a week after my ex and I had broke up, and we hooked up. Awkward doesn't cover it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 753
You deserved it 5 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

andrmac 25

Why didn't you say you needed more time before seeing them.

This is why you should talk about it with your ex before this thing could happen. FYL OP


andrmac 25

Why didn't you say you needed more time before seeing them.

Agreed. You could have just avoided going. Fyl but it was avoidable

Malsain_fml 10

Sounds like she did not know the mutual friend would be there. To me, she was quite trapped but could manage seeing her ex with his new girlfriend. To me, she feels akwars more than anything because she hooked up with the other guy and would not want her ex to know it. So, she deserved it.

This is why you should talk about it with your ex before this thing could happen. FYL OP

Time to start recalling the embarrassing stories! Awkward factor tripled.

backdoorman010 9

close your legs. sounds like that would solve all your problems

Oh wow, she slept with two people. What an awful person.

You sir, deserve an award for being the biggest jerk I have seen on FML so far

So she had a boyfriend - the horror. And she slept with a friend - so what! It was awkward because of the relationship she had with her ex and the sleeping with the friend but not having sex with anyone wouldn't solve problems. Stop shaming her - you aren't shaming the guys for sleeping with her - and even if she slept with 100 people, that is her choice, and none of your business!

Why agree to meeting the new girlfriend? I wouldn't want to if I still had feelings :

They probably have a child/children together and/or due to legal reasons, they still have to share the residence they live in because of a contract or whatever...

Having a child with someone doesn't obligate you to spent time with the other parent.

Awkward doesn't begin to cover it and neither does "It's complicated".

i guess the feelings you "still" had weren't strong if you hooked up with someone.

Er, people react differently to break ups. Some people seek out casual sex to make themselves feel better, either because they need the intimacy, or because it take their mind off of things, or maybe just because it feels good. Or they do it to try to get over their ex - and sex can have a very real effect in that regard, since you produce the bonding hormone oxytocin. Granted, you'd most likely just be replacing the ex with somebody else, but it's easier to get over a casual hook-up with a friend than a serious relationship. Point is, she shouldn't have to live in celibacy to "prove" that she's heartbroken. Just because you wouldn't have sex with somebody else in that situation doesn't mean that her way of dealing with it is any less valid. She didn't hurt anyone, so whether this was the right choice for her is for her to decide. Don't be so judgmental. It's not a good look on you, or anyone else for that matter.

If she still likes someone, she can have sex. It shouldn't be awkward though, since if that's her way of thinking, it's just sex, and she has no attachment whatsoever to the other guy.

But her choice has clearly backfired on her.

Hmm so after you guys broke up you became somewhat friends I assume? still kinda weird to show his new girlfriend to the ex girlfriend.

I think you should tell your ex that you still have feelings and that you need space. Time and distance will take care of them!

Goblin182 26

Why would anyone want to introduce their new girlfriend to their ex? Why would the ex agree to it? I can imagine that introduction. "Honey, meet your replacement, Replacement, meet whom you replaced. This is the standard I will be judging you by".

I live with my ex, I have met her new partners and she has met mine. We are good friends, so there is no awkward moments. But then I dont cuddle women on the sofa in front of her and she is the same. Its called being friends and showing decency.

countryb_cth 38

Plus there could be a child involved or they may just ended on good terms. I have an ex who we ended on mutual terms, we actually ended up as closer friends from dating. And he is actually really good friends with my current boyfriend and there's no awkwardness at all.